During the... battle? slaughter?

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Ok I see plenty of comments saying No to Ochaco in the Harem. Well Too Bad I gonna keep her in anyways.  Also, how is my writing so far? Was there any part that I could have done better or are there any spelling errors I made? Please do tell me.


All of the Nomus, out of fear and their instincts for survival kicking in, all converge to Mordekaiser, Meliodas, Ban, and Escanor. Meanwhile, they were not having as much fun as they thought they would. Sure, the Nomus lasted longer than they had expected but still went down after more than two hits.

"I thought this would be more fun than it seemed. How... Disappointing..." Said Mordekaiser, clearly bored and disappointed while smashing one of the Nomus with his mace at the same time. Meliodas, Ban, and Escanor agreed with him on that one.

"Oh well. Wanna see who could get the most Nomu kills?" asked Meliodas, hoping this would bring some excitement into this situation. Luckily for them, it worked and although Mordekaiser is never the type to enter a competition, let alone a friendly one, it still intrigued him to see if he can be beaten at something that should be in his league. Note, the attack contained about 30-50 Nomus.

Meanwhile, with King, Gowther, and Merlin, they were able to teleport/transport the injured to a safe area away from combat to Elizabeth and Diane. Diane made a barrier around them in case the Nomus were to escape and try to end at least one of the injured. Elizabeth could be seen healing the students first before the staff and heroes. Recovery Girl could be seen also, helping out Elizabeth with healing the students.

"Such injuries and yet, you can heal them back to full health. Is it, perhaps, your quirk?" asked Recovery Girl, very curious on who this girl was.

"Oh, I am sorry but this is not my quirk. In fact, I never had a quirk. This is just magic." said Elizabeth, shocking everyone other than the remaining sins.

"But how? How is that possible? There was no record of magic in history!" asked Iida, asking a question that was on everyone else's mind.

"Magic has been leaking out of this realm for a while until it eventually was all gone. History as well wanted to forget magic and everything that was related to it. Magic was nothing but myths and legends in this realm until now." Merlin explained.

"But then how are any of you able to do this? If there is no magic left in this world, how are you using it?" asked Denki.

"We are able to draw magic from the other realms and use them here. We also gave Deku that ability as well, allowing him to use magic where he couldn't before. " Merlin explained.

This cleared up the confusion from everyone who thought magic never existed.

And now to Izuku and the villain trio. The league of villains could actually feel the anger coming from Izuku, bringing them to absolute fear for the sheer size of it, unable to move and feeling light headed. Eri was unconscious during the attack and cannot see Izuku angry, though she can still feel intense anger and is visibly upset.

"Give me Eri, NOW!!!" Roared Izuku, the league gave Eri to him out of fear but Twice passed out. Izuku then gave Eri to AFO so that he could hold her.

Out of desperation, Mr. Compress used his quirk on Izuku. Izuku and the others were caught off guard by this but were not completely worried. This does bring relief to the villains, knowing that they can at least use their quirks on them. This relief was short-lived when Izuku broke out of the marble in his normal size.

"Well would you look at that. Your quirk did work on me but for a little bit of time." said Izuku.

This brought new fear into the villains. Shigaraki, though, gained a little bit of confidence knowing quirks could still work on him while also being angry at how cocky Izuku was.

"At least we know that quirks could still work on you!" said Shigaraki, running and touching Izuku's face. His quirk was active and...

NOTHING happened. This shocked Shigaraki while also installing greater fear into him. He lets go of Izuku's face and backs, slowly while heavily breathing as if he is having trouble breathing.

At this, Izuku starts to chuckle which slowly turns into a laugh.

"Did you honestly think that was going to work?" said Izuku.

The last moments the villains had before all of them blacked out was Izuku raising his hands covered in light blue flame on all of them, then nothing. 

Deku: The Lord and Sin of Despair (A new version is coming)Where stories live. Discover now