Travel C.3

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*Some people are actually seeing this- thank you! Some of you have been commenting, and it truly means a lot! I know it doesn't seem like it, but it makes my day! I was really pumping out chapters for the first few days, and my head was just flooding with ideas, so I was like. Let's write three stories! Slightly regret it, but I'm having fun! I suppose that's what matters in the end. I might not be able to update much this next week, as I might not have my tablet (what I'm writing this on) I have a small surgery thing going on (I've had a lot of dental stuff going on this past month. It sucks. Since Nov. 3rd I've had stitches, skin graphing, multiple shots in and outside my mouth, and it was my first time getting my blood drawn. 2020 really isn't my year lol. Now I have more stuff to top it all off.) It's also a holiday this week, so there's that. Not that I'll see anyone outside my immediate family. So my updates might remain a bit slow, but I'll try and pick it back up afterwards. I honestly thought I'd only update once a week, but this is really fun. Sorry for rambling, I just wanted to explain my self. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Grogginess. It's what y/n felt as the horse trampled along, every once and a while a twig snagged at her hair.
She wanted to sleep, but pain and fatigue seemed to be radiating off of her. She was pretty sure her leg was going to get infected, if it wasn't already. She could tell the horses were as exhausted as she was, but they kept moving regardless. Her mouth was dry too, she couldn't remember the last time she ate or drank anything. She supposed it was a few hours before that bear trap screwed up her leg. But that must have been well over a day ago, perhaps even two. This made the pit in her stomach ache even more.
The man behind her seemed to know what was going on, as he called out to his companions. "Hey guys, I think we should stop and rest. The kids not looking to good." This got the attention of the other two, and they slowed their horse.
"Hey, you okay?" Techno said. The word felt weird.
She felt the need to voice this opinion so she did. "Techno. That's a very strange name you know."
He scoffed before remarking defensively remarking, "Well I think it is a great name."
"Things can be great and weird at the same time," y/n stated. Her mouth was still crying out for water, and judging by the dark clouds that ominously loomed over them, it wouldn't take long before she was met with that. She didn't know if she was concerned or delighted by this. Again, no reason why it couldn't be both.
"Well we don't even know your name." Tubbo said. They all paused at that. The all knew it, but bringing it up was a bit different.
"Huh. I suppose not." Y/n replied.
They all waited for what she had to say, but she just sat there stareing forward.
"Well?" Wilbur prseed.
"Before I answer questions I'd like something to drink that won't make me sick," she glanced at the two next to her, still on the horse. They hadn't completely stopped yet, but the horses seemed to enjoy the slower pace.
Techno lightly pulled at the reigns in front of him before the horse stopped in its tracks. "I find it sad that you need to specify it won't poison you." He hoped off the horse and walked over to his friends. He opened a small satchel that was looped around the horses neck and went back over to y/n. He handed her a small metal cup and used a bigger one to pour some water into it.
She carefully sipped at it, not wanting to get sick. Besides, who knew if she'd get more. They seem nice, but they'd need to drink too. If it was between her and them, they'd obviously pick themselves. She wouldn't blame them, she'd do the same. Her throat seemed to forget how soothing water was almost immediately after it was gone. It was nice while it lasted, but nothing ever seems to last. It was still sore and burning, but she didn't ask for more.
"Thanks," she muttered.
"Anytime. Anyways, name?"
She squinted her eyes for a moment. She didn't like it when people knew her name, but she also didn't like lying. She sighed before responding. "Y/n. My name is y/n. Don't bother with last names, because your guess is as good as mine."
Tubbo smiled at her. "That's a really nice name! Y/nnnnnn. I like it."
"Yeah it suits you." Wilbur complemented. "Sorry we don't have much for food. It was with Tubbos horse."
She shrugged. "That's alright."
Techno was rummaging through some other bag before taking a roll of bandages and cloth were takin out. "We should probably take a look at your injuries. Your leg was messed up pretty bad."
She cringed at the thought of it. She knew it'd hurt like hell. But it was going to rain any minute and better sooner than later. "All right, just be careful."
They helped her down from the horse and placed one of the cloths on the grass. They hooked their hands underneath her arms so she could easily sit herself down. She propped her leg on the cloth and breathed in and out.
Techno undid a knot near the top of the injury and slowly unwrapped her leg. She watched closely, even a small mistake would hurt. It stung a bit, especially where the bandages wanted to cling to her leg. The leg was pale, and gross colors where it was bruised. Tubbo excused himself and went to watch the horses.
"Hey Wil, could you poor some water on a cloth? I want to clean it a bit more thoroughly. " he nodded and walked off to finish the task. "Well, there's not nearly as much blood. That could be good or bad."
She gupled. Her leg was hideous, and she lost a lot of blood.
"When we get back, our friends can take a look at it. They're pretty good at this type of thing, so you should be fine. I'm no doctor, but you'll probably be walking properly in a matter of weeks. Might be a few months, but you'll get there."
The words, though somewhat scary, reassured her. Wilbur came back with the wet cloth and handed it to Techno. She braced herself as he got to work. It was throbbing before, but every stroke made her hiss out in pain. Wilbur offered her his hand during the process, and it's a miracle she didn't shatter all the bones in said hand.
When that was done, they wrapped the leg in fresh bandages and helped y/n up. She felt light headed again, and it started sprinkling, so they decided the other wounds could wait. They packed up whatever supplies they took out, and started back on there journey back to the friends house.

1216 words. Sorry about the rambling at the beginning. Anyways, hope you liked it! It's 1am where I'm at, so I'm gonna get some sleep. Feel free to comment! Also, I'm thinking about making a one shot book. Something simple and short. I'll be taking requests and prompts tool thanks for reading!

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