Birthdays C.7

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I think the last chapter was a bit cringey. But I'm not gonna let that get in my way. Even though this one might be even worse. Anyways! Where I'm at its technically Christmas. But dont tell my parents, they think I'm sleeping. Anywho, hope you enjoy this chapter. Also, I dont feel like digging through my story to find y/n age, so I'm gonna pick a somewhat random one. This will probably be a shorter chapter.

Tubbo smiled at her, while Tommy looked her up and down. Tubbo was about to say something, but his friend beat him to it.
"I reckon your not very old. Probably younger than me." He said, leaning back against a table.
"I'm thirteen, I think I'm pretty close to fourteen. I'm not exactly sure."
"Do you actually know your birthday?" Tommy said, though his attention was focused on one of the small gems in his hands.
Y/n thought for a moment. She thinks she may have celebrated it once or twice, but she couldn't say for sure.
She shook her head from side to side.
"All I know is the month, my parents never made a big deal out of it."
Tommy nodded, showing he had at least listened to her. "We might have to come up with a birthday then. We did the same thing for a few of us. Only Wilbur and I really know our birthdays, not including Phil."
Y/n nodded, telling them her birth month. They began discussing all the days of said month, and which one would best suit y/n.
"We could use fourteen." Tubbo suggested. Y/n didnt really care what day her birthday was, but it was interesting to see other people talk about it.
Tommy shook his head at the idea. "That is Skeppy and BBH's thing. Wouldn't want them annoying us about it."
Tubbo sighed. They already crossed out most of the days in the month. "I dont know? Do you have any ideas?"
Tommy had a look of concentration on his face as he tried to decide which number was superior.
"How about thirteenth? Like the music disk?"
Now Tubbo was disagreeing with Tommy. "That's supposed to be an unlucky number. Wouldn't want y/n to be unlucky."
"That's a bunch of bullshit! Thirteen is a perfectly fine number." They continued to bicker amongst themselves as y/n watched.
"Why dont we use eleven then? That one isn't cursed or whatever."
Tubbo looked at him, a bit frustrated. "Eleven is just as bad! Whenever we find one of those disks they're broken. They're probably all cursed."
Tommy flung his arms up to show his frustration. He leaned back and played down on the ground.
"Why dont we just use twelve then? Its between the bad luck, but it won't be boring then."
Tubbo brightened at the idea, complimenting Tommy. He sat back up and bragged about it, then they both turned to y/n.
"What do you say y/n? Should your birthday be the twelfth?" Tubbo asked.
"Sure. Sounds pretty cool." She agreed, glad they came to a conclusion. "What do we do now?"
"Well, we could go see Tubbos bees. Or go into town. Fishing. Theres tons of possibilities." Tommy pointed out. They got up and started heading to the door, discussing what they should do.

-but seriously, what should they do? I've got some good plot stuff heading up, but I'm somewhat stuck on what leads up to it. Hope you enjoyed reading, feel free to comment. Have a great rest of your day or night! And happy holidays!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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