"I had a good time today." He smiles, a real one. I'm glad the happiness today provided has made him feel better. "Me too." I smile back, holding his hand tightly in mine.

When we arrive home, Corpse says, "Can we talk?" I can't exactly decline now, can I. "Sure! What's on your mind?"

"Why did you choose a broken heart?" He asks. I think if this was some romance movie, I would start monologuing about how I had a broken heart before I found him. Fin. But in reality, the answers are simple. "I like it."

He contemplates this. Maybe he was expecting a grand answer as well. "Okay, I like it on you." And he goes into his streaming room.

When he streams I make a point to not disturb him. He doesn't get annoyed at me if he can hear me doing things, but chat always says something to the effect of "Ooh is that your girlfriend? Or is your house haunted?" Which irritated Corpse. So I'm quiet. I wonder what they would say if they knew for certain that he had found his soulmate. He's been careful not to slip up, but what if he tells them? I know part of what would happen. The respectful stans would stand behind him and be nice, and the ones who made those tweets about not wanting their soulmate unless it's him would cyberbully me into the ground. That's just how things work when you're attractive and people like your personality.

He streams for around 3 hours today, not staying long since he only knows Toast well, and not the others. I made food for him, debating on whether now would be a good time to give him the dinosaur. I look at it. Small, angry, cute. It reminds me of Corpse, even though he's not small or angry. It seems stupid the more I think about it. But now I own it, so I suppose there's not really any harm in giving it to him anyways. The worst that could happen is he says he doesn't like it to my face. And honestly? I don't think he'd do that. "Thank you for making dinner."

He smiles, sitting across from me. The dinosaur is clutched in my hand. "No problem! I know how tired you get." I smile back. We eat in silence for a few minutes, the only sound being of our forks on our plates. "You had a good time today?" He already knows the answer, but he asks anyway. "Of course! It sounds hella corny, but I enjoy any time spent with you."

"It's corny... but it's sweet." He wipes his mouth on his napkin, pushing away his plate. He finished already. I push my plate away as well, figuring now is as good a time as ever to give him the necklace. "Here... I want you to have this." I extend it to him awkwardly. He takes it gently into his hands and stares at it. He doesn't say anything, just stares. It unnerves me. I'm not sure what he's thinking. I never really am, but now I'm less certain.

"Can you put it on me?" He breaks the tension filled silence, reaching out a hand to give it back. His request surprises me, but I get up to put it on him. "Thank you, bubs." He smiles, getting up to help me clear the table. We take the dishes to the kitchen in silence. "I'll dry today?"

"Mhm!" I reply, putting on the gloves to wash. I run the warm water over the plates and silverware, putting on some dawn and lightly scrubbing it in with my fingers. We forgot to buy a new sponge today, but that's okay. We'll live without it until the next time I go to shop. "Corpse?" He's told me his real name, but I still call him Corpse. It may seem weird, but it's natural for us for the time being. "Yes?" He looks down at me.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

ー 윤아 speaks !

i have a lot to say this time lol (i feel like it's lowkey just become a thing where i make long author's notes ?? like we get to sit and chat after i break ur heart or make you uwu)

first of all, what the absolute fuck !! why does this book have 200k reads !! i was very excited when i saw last night and i have no way to properly express my happiness so have all of my love !! take it !! *hugs*

second of all, i am so close to reaching 500 followers and i said a while ago in a deleted post that i would do a q&a if that happened so drop ur questions 


and i will give you answers to them all unless they're really personal lol 

third of all, i went and saw my friends today (despite covid) and am now going to quarantine for 14 days !! i never go out anyways, but safety is key so i'm not taking any chances. plus, i had to take public transportation which was ew. 

fourth of all, for anyone who's curious, i do have twt. and a while ago i also said that maybe i'd link my twt if this got 100k reads. well, we're far past that now, aren't we... you can actually find that message still up on my message board lol my twt is priv and only my close friends follow it so here's a lil code and if you happen to find my twt read my carrd there before u request <3 i'll probably accept you as well so you are the exception to the "no random requests" rule !! here's the code: 87=9;323 

last of all, i rlly miss jangjun lol 

have fun, stay safe, i love you all,

bye bye ^ - ^

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