Chapter 2

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Her hand was warm, her skin soft to the touch. He wanted to stay like this for a little while longer. He's never felt this type of comfort, especially from Elizabeth. The warmth of her hand was drawn away as she starts to leave.

"Must you leave so soon?"

"Estarossa, we had a deal, remember?"

Lora giggles as she pulls him up by his hands to stand and hugs him. Her face planted in his chest, he couldn't help but feel flushed. He hugs her back, not wanting this to end. This feeling he felt, could it be love? He feels warmth, but why now? Of all times, why couldn't he feel like this with Elizabeth?
He wakes up, wanting to go back to his dreamlike state to see the memory of the girl he adored 3,000 years ago. It wasn't fair to him. Leaving behind someone to grow old and die isn't what he wanted from her. He groans as he looks to the side to see Zeldris.

"Another dream brother?"


"Of what, Estarossa?"

"Nothing.... just a memory of what happened thousands of years ago."

His brother looks at him confused. He's known Estarossa to be different than all the other demons. But he can't help but be curious on what goes on in his mind.

"I hope it wasn't a memory of that goddess hag."

Estarossa shakes his head and looks down at his hands. Remembering the warmth it imprinted on him from the dream of that girl. *That human girl. What was her name? I can't remember....*

"I... don't remember now..."

Zeldris rolls his eyes and pats his brother's shoulder.

"I need you up and going. We might have another holy knight raid coming our way. We need to be prepared."

He nods in agreement. He readies himself as he hears explosions going off from a distance. He goes over to the window and looks out to see holy knight making their way to Camelot. He smirks since he knew it wasn't that easy to come against one of the 10 commandments. About an hour had passed as Estarossa can feel magic abilities fading as he doesn't do anything but relax. He then hears a crash as he looks over to see his brother on the ground and he runs over to him.

"Zeldris?! W-what happened? How are you injured?!"

He then points towards someone in the distance. Estarossa looks over and sees a figure taking out demons like it was nothing. A demon hides behind a pillar to strike, before it could a blast comes from behind the pillar, the demon looks over and was grabbed by the throat and stabbed with a rapier blade. It's body started to have weeds and vines come from it's body and as it lays dying, flowers grew from the corpse. Estarossa floats over to the area and lands behind this masked figure.

"That's quite impressive coming from a holy knight such as yourself. Tell me.... Are you powerful enough to take on the commandment of love?"

The armored holy knight stops in place and looks behind themselves with their blade still drawn. They set down their blade and removes their helmet as they revealed themself as a girl. The commandment gasps softly and backs away slowly. Her dark curly hair flows through the wind with her darkened amber like eyes that have a hint of gold color in them and freckles that cover some parts of her face. Her armor snug around her body. It's like he's seen a ghost. It was the human from 3,000 years ago. *How was it possible? Is she a reincarnation of the girl?* he thinks to himself as he can't help but stare and gawk.

"Are you just going to stand there and gawk? Or are we going to fight, demon?!"

He's taken back to her tone, it wasn't sweet and heartwarming but filled with grief and anger. He couldn't help but feel sympathy for this girl.

"You have chosen to battle me? Estarossa?! The commandment of love? What drives you to take such action to face a powerful individual like me? You can easily die by my hand but I haven't laid a finger on you yet."

His eyes widen. She positions herself in a stance that he's only seen once before. He flashes back to whenever Lora would meet him out on the wheat fields and she practices with a stick. He chuckles to her swinging and posing. She looks at him and giggles to herself.

"Oh? Like you can do any better Estarossa? Maybe when I'm older, I can fight like the men!"

He can't help but take the stick from her hand as their hands barely touch, he looks down at her and smiles.

"I'd rather you be safe than to fight like a man."

Lora blushes softly but turns her head away from embarrassment.

"Oh stop! You're just trying to make me lose focus!"

He smiles at her reaction. His flashback was interrupted by yelling as he sees the girl charging at him. He blocks her blow with his sword and pushes her back. She keeps herself upright as she was pushed back and she sent a spell towards him at that very second.

"You're going down, you demon!"

She charges again as she speeds her way to him and starts slashing at him. He chuckles softly since he didn't really felt pain until she stopped.

"Did you really think you could lay any damage on me, little girl?"

He felt something wet roll down his cheek and he touches his face gently and sees red blood from his cheek. He tenses up.

"Wha- but how?"

Her lips curl into a smile. He looks over at her as her dark curly hair blows in the wind before she makes another attack on him. He dissipates as she strikes down, she looks around her surroundings.

"In all my years, no one has ever laid a scratch on my face."

A hand falls to her shoulder as her eyes widen in fear. He whispers into her ear as she can feel his hot breath on her neck.

"I'll let you live for now since you're kinda cute for a human."

She pulls away and looks behind her and he was gone. She looks everywhere as she sees him walk away in the distance. She couldn't help but yell at him.

"HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?! You're supposed to face me like the demon you are! Why are you walking away?!"

He smiles and dissipates in front of her knocking her off her feet as she looks up at him. He squats down to her level and touches a strand of her hair. Fear over comes her expression. He smiles at her and puts a small dandelion that was nearby in her hair. Her face flushes to a pink tint.

"I don't know, human. Maybe because you intrigue me. I want to see what you can do when we next meet. Don't die on me out there."

He stands up and starts to walk away.

*why did I go back? I've never met this girl and yet I can't help but feel love for her. Why am I feeling this way?*

(Hey guys! Author here! I know it's been awhile since I've made this story but I intend on getting back on it again I made this a year ago and wasn't really into it at the time but now I'm working on 3 other stories so go check out my profile and see the others. I've never wrote fanfics like this before so please be patient and thank you!)

Commandment Of Love: Estarossa X OcWhere stories live. Discover now