Chapter 3

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The girl was fumbling for words as the demon walks away, leaving a dandelion in her hair. She stands up and starts to leave. Her face flushed as she remembers what he had told her earlier.

*"I'll let you live for now since you're kinda cute for a human."*

She shakes her head as she regroups with other holy knights. They decided that since they lost some men and women, they headed back. As they made their way down the roads of the kingdom, there were a few attacks down the road of the demons that were spawning everywhere. One of the men comes up to her and pats her back.

"Hey Loraine! I heard you faced 2 of the commandments! Are they dead?!"

She shakes her head and looks down at the hilt of her rapier. It had been passed down to her by her father. She sighs in disbelief.

"We all knew Zeldris would be there but that other one was there too. To my surprise, he let me live?"

They looked at her confused and asked what the demon looked like.

"He had silver hair, nice features... And a blue waist coat."

The holy knights looked at each other and looked back at her.

"You mean... You survived the commandment of love?!"

She looks at them confused.

"Why are you all freaking out? He had to be an undergraded demon if he just walked away from our fight..."

"He just walked away from you?!"

She nods, her face still confused.

"He's one of the most powerful demons and son to the demon king and he let you live?! You could have been dead! I'm surprised he didn't use his commandment on you...."

She rubs her head, she should have been dead from the start. Why didn't he kill her? Something wasn't right... The flower falls out of her hair as she looks down at it. She picks it up and holds it in her hand. She shakes her head to the thought of him putting it in her hair in the first place. What none of the knights knew that Estarossa was hiding in the trees, watching over them and her. They finally stopped at a village. The demon looks over and his eyes widen, it was the village where his human friend used to live. He looks over to Loraine waving to the other knights goodbye. Her armor was off and had a purple tunic with her black pants and her holy knight boots. She carried her armor with her as she enters the home.

"Papaw, it's Loraine! I'm home!"

She looks around the house and sees an old man in a rocking chair, watching the fire. She comes up from behind and hugs him. The old man gasps from his surprise as he laughs it off.

"Oh! my precious granddaughter.... I'm so happy you're alive. How did it go?"

She shrugs it off as she puts down her bag and her armor.

"I'm thankful to be alive and that's it, papaw. I could have died though...."

The old man looks at her and smiles.

"But you didn't.... You pulled through and now you're home, safe."

She smiled but it fades as she looks out the window.

"Papaw.... I faced 2 of the commandments...."

His eyes widen at the thought of the commandments. They have been around for 3,000 years. He remembered a detail from many years ago.

"Loraine....i have to tell you something... It may not be now-"

"It's was exilirating, papaw! I was killing demons left and right! And then I came face to face with Zeldris! I don't understand how he was easy to defeat over but then...."

Commandment Of Love: Estarossa X OcWhere stories live. Discover now