The waiter got what Mew wanted him to know so he quickly nodded and left us silently.

Mew's presence is so powerful that even the handsome waiter lost his confidence. I am neither dumb or numb to not know that the guy was flirting with me.

But Mew was quick in putting up a fence around his belonging. During our interactions before the wedding, his voice was often calm and casual, especially when it comes to other people. Why did he sound angry towards the waiter? Is he jealous?

What the hell, Gulf? Why would he feel jealous when he doesn't even love you?

He sat quietly in front of me. His eyebrows were crossed. He clenched his jaw, an evidence that he is pissed off. If I don't have this heavy feeling inside me because of what I found out, I would have teased him already because he looks more handsome with a grumpy face. But because I still feel sad, I chose to stay silent.

Mew does not want to look at me in the eye. Is he mad?

But after a few moments of silence, he finally spoke.

"Do you have a habit of leaving people behind? You've done that twice today already."

He is indeed mad and sulking.

I felt a little bit guilty. Why did I leave him again in the room? Did I not tell myself that I will try to fix our relationship and be a good husband to him? That I will do everything for him to love me back? Then why did I leave him?

"I'm sorry Mew. It won't happen again," I apologized sincerely.

This time, I knew I was at fault. So it's only right to say sorry. I wasn't raised by my parents to give up easily. So even if its killing me on the inside, I will still try.

"Tss. You also asked for forgiveness earlier but still you did it again."

"I'm sorry, okay? I promise it won't happen again."

"Make sure you'll keep your promise." His voice was hopeful. No hint of anger and sulking.

I reached for his hands which were on top of the table. I held them as a sign of assurance.

"I will keep my promise," I smiled. I waited for him to smile back but he did not.

His phone's screen lit up because someone was calling. And who else could it be? It was Aron, of course!

He removed my hand from his. And without asking for permission, he he stood up and left the table to answer the call.

I sighed when he was gone from my sight. A knife was like slicing my heart in two. I felt my lips tremble for a moment.

Maybe I was born to be a martyr? Come to think of it, Mew is outright making me feel like he does not want me, but still, here I am trying to make him love me. I feel pity for myself.

But instead of thinking about how pitiful my situation is, I decided to look at the bright side. I am supposed to be thankful because I had the chance to marry the man I love.

I was in first year college when I met Mew two years ago. He was third year back then. He graduated this year while I am now in third year. We were both Business Administration students in University of the Pacific, an exclusive school for boys. I've had a crush on him ever since.

But we were never boyfriends. Aron was his boyfriend and I had my own boyfriend. Hal. Hal died in a car accident last year. He was the love of my life. Or so I thought. I had a crush on Mew that time but the guy I wanted to marry was Hal. We were together for two years. But he died last year. After a few months of mourning for his death, I moved on and fell deeper in love with Mew. It was when I realized with Hal was shallow and that it was Mew who was my true love.

I was so happy when I found out that Mew and I will be married for the sake of our company. But never did I see him excited and happy because of our wedding. It was like a nightmare to him.

I wonder what he feels right now? He never had the chance to marry the person he loves, in this case, I think it's Aron that he loves. So should I blame him if he is outright ignoring me, when in the first place, he only had no choice but to marry me?

What could have been his debt to his parents that he agreed to marry me?

My thoughts where interrupted when the food we ordered were placed on the table. It was Hughie who did it, the guy from earlier.

"Where is your grumpy boyfriend?" he asked.

I did not expect to hear it from him since we're strangers to each other.

"He's my husband." I raised an eyebrow at him.

But I must admit, he's cute.

"I see." He smiled at me.

"Are you done? I'd like to enjoy my meal now," I said dismissively.

"Yeah. Sure. Enjoy your meal and enjoy your stay here in Kurumba. But I don't really see that you're enjoying though," he mumbled softly before chuckling.

I stopped and felt a little offended with what he said.

Is the sadness really evident on my face?

"Hey!" He snapped his fingers in front of me. I didn't realize that I spaced out.

"I need to go to the restroom," I declared. "Where can I find it?"

He immediately pointed an area of the restaurant. I nodded before speaking. "Thank you. Excuse me."

I stood up from my chair,ready to leave temporarily.

"Did I offend you?" he asked worriedly.

"No. No. It's okay. I just need a moment."

"I'm sorry."

"No. It's okay really."

I left him there standing before I walked towards the direction he pointed.

I was taken aback and stopped for a moment when I reached the restroom's door.

Aron was on his way out of the huge restroom. He was also shocked when he saw me.

Why is he shocked?

He composed himself for a few seconds before he proceeded to walk out of the restaurant without looking back. I did not fail to notice the ghost of a smile on his lips as he walked past me.

I heaved out a deep sigh.

So it's true. He's here. He's here with us. He's here with Mew.

I felt my heart breaking so I took a moment and leaned on the door, afraid that I might lose the strength to continue standing as I felt my knees tremble.

It hurts so much. Damn.

My heart hurt even more when I saw Mew inside the restroom washing his hands in front of the sink.

He stopped what he was doing when he noticed me standing by the door.

Runaway Groom (Groom Series Book 1) (English Translation)Where stories live. Discover now