Trace: Isn't that...

Trace looks at the medallion, then gasps.

Trace: That medal is still active? I thought you said it was destroyed years ago in that attack!

Ampharos: That's because I couldn't find it on the radar.

Trace: How?!

Ampharos: It's tracking system might have been broken. Something isn't right. It didn't take control of its host before.


A explosion of dust and fire erupt in front of the lab. Pokémon run and fall trying to escape the flames. Soon the Lucario is in lopped in fire. Speed looks over the burning Lucario, the same grin he had on the whole time he evolved.
He then finishes off the Lucario with one attack. He then closes his eyes and pants. Trace soon limps over to him.

Trace: Speedy! Snap out of it! You're not yourself!

Speed: I am myself and I'm sick of being treated like useless trash!

He then grabs Trace by the neck. And throws him into a cargo box.

Trace: Ah!

Speed looks at him for a second then get pelted by Icey wind. A glaceon in a purple scarf then runs up to Trace.

Glaceon: you okay? That Lucario is tough enough to survive the flame. You should go help him even though he's an outlaw. I'll go deal with Speedy.

Trace: But Frost, You're an ice type not a water type.

Frost: Just leave him it to me I got this.

Trace: Okay, but be careful.

Trace says worriedly. Frost then walks up to Speed.

Speed: So you're Frost... long time no see, traitor!

Frost: traitor?

Speed: You left me! How could you abandon me in that attack after I saved you!

Frost: I didn't. We got separated in that wild Pokémon attack. I did my best to find you. I didn't abandon you.

The Glaceon sounds sincere. But Speed still looks angry.

Speed: Lie! I believed in you but you let me down! I'll melt you until there's nothing left of you!

Frost: I don't want to fight you but you leave me no choice!

Frost then uses Shadow ball and aims it directly at Speed, who just moves his arm and parries the attack. Frost does give in though he creates a powerful Icey wind but stops and gasps when Speed come running at him and hits him in the stomach. Frost then falls to the ground, looking up at Speed astonished by his strength. Speed then uses over heat causing fire to surround Frost, Frost sits up quickly and tries repeating his attack putting out the flames. And then uses ice blade, Speed then doges it the flames around him getting stronger and then hurdles through the air coming at Frost whose running towards Speed.

Frost: I know you're angry, you have feelings...but......You need to stop this!

Frost the hits Speed whose flailing backwards in midair who crashes into a wall, debris floating all around him. Speeds eyes then start to turn blue.

Speed: B-berserker Mode D-deactivated... System C-corrupted... Rebooting... 5... 4... E-error... Rebooting failed...

Frost walks up to the disoriented Flareon and smiles kindly.

Frost: you okay?

The Flareon looks worried.

Speed blinks and looks at the Glaceon.

Speed: I'm feeling...dizzy...

Speeds voice sounds normal but as he gets up he collapses onto the ground everyone came rushing up to him, his vision was blurry and everything around him was spinning out of control. Then he faints.



Speed opens his eyes and looks around at the building around him.

Speed: huh?

He sits up and realizes he's in a poke centre.

Speed: What the-

Trace: You're awake!

Speed realizes Frost, Trace and the doctor.

Speed: Y-you're h-here?

Trace: Of course! Are you feeling okay?

Speed: I just feel a little...woozy...

Doc: Yes, that would be a side effect...

Speed's eyes look up.

Speed: Side...effect?

Everyone looks down at the floor. Speed then looks around and then looks around and notices his body was still in the shape of a Flareon.

Speed: W-what...W-why?

Doc: I'm sorry Speed but the medal has fused with you...You have already evolved...permanently...

Speed: n-no...I-I never wanted this- I-I...I...

To be continued...

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