i don't really have a title cauz it's fucking late

22 2 0

the moon seems as drunk as u

(also stop twirling my mind because it's fucking 6am right now and i could use some good sleep thanks babe)

it really took me some time to realise how of a shitty person i am
because i keep sealing my demons in my broken soul instead of talking
i'm extremely sorry for not having been here nor having notice how hard that must have been for you
but having you around everyday has done so much good, you cannot even imagine how
i enjoyed it so much and even if i still care about you, it isn't the same anymore
i don't really know how to say it but anyway, fuck it
it feels like, i don't give a damn, i mean this poem doesn't even have fucking rhymes
anyway you've always done everything you could to help me
to be honest you saved me from spilling blood on the ground quite a few times
you told me so many times it's gonna be alright, and to believe in future
but honestly i don't know if i can do it anymore without having you around
also i know i am a fucking coward, but anyway, nothing really changes right?
actually life doesn't make quite sens,
just feels like to be half dead-walking and wide awake
probably just waiting for things to pass and time to fly and honestly the idea of getting drunk sounds so damn good,
just to forget it for a sec and go back to good old times
clearly existence feels like being the stunning boy in his coffin suit again...

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