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Graces POV
It had been a few weeks know since everything I mean it all happened in the first week of school so we still had a while until the Christmas but know it's the day before we leave for Christmas. I had gotten so close to Draco I mean obviously we where incredibly close but for some reason we are even more close know. Then we have the others who I'm just as close at as well.

I was in my room packing everything up ready to go home then go to the lodge but before that I had the Devino Christmas ball to attend to which was fun I just don't want another ball gown. When I finished I decided to go meet the others at dinner I retrieved my wand and left my dorm. I was walking to the great hall when someone shouted my name I turned and found Harry standing with Ron and Hermione I smiled as soon as I saw them now I know how I'm a Slytherin pureblood but I had no grudge against them they never said a bad word about me so why would I to them. 'Hey Grace we where wondering if you where going to the Quidditch World Cup in the holidays wondered if we might see you there' Ron said to me 'if yeh father mentioned us attending that something about fudge and minster box I don't know I don't take in a lot that he says' I said rolling my eyes and giggling they all a laughed at my attention span for my fathers plans 'well we wondering if you wanted to meet up when there' Hermione spoke up 'yes please save me from the drought of boredom I will face when there' 'cool well owl us nearing the time ok' Harry said to me 'of course see you there then' I replied turning on my heel

I kept walking until I realised a certain Hufflepuff looking at me i had no idea what his name was so I scrunched my face together trying to think of it. Lost in my thoughts I realised I was at the hall doors so I walked in still with a very strong thinking face on. I walked over to my friends at enquired about him 'hey whooos...that' I said pointing to the boy as I was sitting down 'oh that's Cedric Diggory whyyy' Daphne announced 'oh no reason just saw him and it made me wonder if I knew him or not' I replied i grabbed a bowl of potatoes and put some on my plate along with some other things. 'So everyone excited about some time of' I asked definitely snapes studding has got me loosing sleep' Theo stated I laughed and we carried in talking until Draco mentioned something 'so why where you with..POTTER' with pure hatred dripping of his tongue when he asked 'oh we where making plans for the holidays.......why' 'why are you talking to him and his blood traitor friend and a...mudblood' I rolled my eyes and didn't care to respond 'well' he asked again getting on my nerves 'because Draco' I raised my voice a bit catching a view glances from people near us 'I'm friends with them ok' he then rolled his eyes and carried on eating I looked at everyone I realised I was finished so I huffed and got up 'I'll see you guys tomorrow....bye' I walked out the hall and stormed off I decided to go to my rooom get changed and go for a walk clear my mind so I don't leave school with so much.......worry let's call it.

I got changed into some sweats and oversized hoodie and left everyone was going to there dorms to go to sleep so the halls where a bit busier but I walked out the hall and into the court yard and started walking down to the black lake I used my wa...

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I got changed into some sweats and oversized hoodie and left everyone was going to there dorms to go to sleep so the halls where a bit busier but I walked out the hall and into the court yard and started walking down to the black lake I used my wand for light and sat down at a tree right besides the lake. I found it so peaceful down there all you could here was the occasional sound from the water and the trees moving in the breeze. I closed my eyes and started to go into a deep wonder about everything that had happened this term. From Being used to lied to going into a serious depressed state but for someone reason one person was always there
I thought about how even though is evil,spiteful,insulting,mean,rude,ignorant,self obsessed and unpleasant that all stops as soon as he talks to mean he is so polite,caring,comforting,funny and loving I know that boy inside out he is so complicated but in such an addictive way the way he will be insulting potter one minute and as soon as he sees me he completely changes and he holds me up when I'm about to collapse he comforts me when there is no one in the room he sits and listens for hours on end no matter if he has things to do and the big thing is that he would hurt anyone for me or kill if he had to. I grown older with that dick I knew him from a obnoxious 1st year to an annoying bipolar 5th year Id seen him grow up which was something people had not seen even his parents they where so busy like mine growing up that's why we where always together so they hadn't see us grow up as individuals they do us grow up together because that's what we are like a never ending universe there's just no ending to it. I cared for that boy more than anyone.

Then there's Blaise, I cared for him to. We met one day when his dad came to Devino manner for a work meeting the same Draco and his father they where in the lobby and had just arrived. To lay it out for you

Lucius and Narcissa where standing to the left with Draco and then Mrs and mr Zabini where standing on the right with Blasie in front of them then my parents standing in front of all of them. I was in my from at the time with Dobby and he was teaching me Wizards chess and I was getting slightly annoyed (in a funny way) because I couldn't grasp the game so I left my from going to find my parents to complain about how difficult it is 'mummy this game Robby is teaching me is not good I mean people can che...' I cut myself of when I got the bottom step of our grand staircase when I realised the 8 of them looking and me smiling 'sorry I didn't mean to be rude' I said to my mum and dad. My dad picked me up and held me in his arms 'sweety it's find this is the Malfoy family and Zabini family and that's Draco and Blasie there sons' he said to me while i was in his arms. I scrunched my eyebrows and realised they where around my age. 'This is Grace our daughter' my father said while putting me down. 'Hi' I said 'hello I'm Blasie' I smiled and turned to the other boy 'I'm Draco' he said I smiled again 'well me and the adults need to talk so would I you take them for a tour around the estate please Grace' my mother said nicely I hummed and started to walk I turned 'come on' they followed

Then there's how I met Theodore well his was similar but I met him at the Quidditch World Cup when my father took me that was the first time I ever  had the Daily Prophet photograph me to.

Then there's Daphne when I got to Hogwarts I was Shy even though I knew Draco, Blasie and Theo but I had yet to befriend a girl and that's when I met Daphne on the boats when coming into Hogwarts since then she will and always be my best best friend.

I had completely zoned out 2 hours thinking about meeting all my friends and realised how it was late and I should go back to my dorm and sleep

So I did.

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