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I glanced over at Isroth, and he looked back at me, and gave me a nod. “It’ll be okay, I promise.”

How dare he promise. He knew nothing of what went on in my home portal, but yet he still promised that it would all be okay. I looked at the ground, and swallowed back my tears. My mind was telling me “no, don’t do it, it’s stupid, and dangerous” but yet my heart was telling me “do it. You have to do it.”

I glanced back at all the warriors, their faces expectantly waiting for me to give Isroth the okay. I took a deep breath, and forced a smile. They trusted me, and I could trust them. I could rely upon them to help me, and protect me.

I looked back at Isroth, and then gave a quick nod before I could change my mind. “Let us go.”

Isroth opened the portal, and we jumped.


We came into the Nine Seas in the middle of the market in the port city of Telest. Thankfully we were in an alley that had no one in it, or else I’m sure the remarks we would have gotten would have been terrifying. I looked up, and took a deep breath. The air smelled so calming. Salt and water and the smells of the market, ones that I loved and had missed dearly.

“Where are we, Jimm?” Ash came up next to me, towering over me, but looking incredibly excited.

“Telest. We’re in the market. It shouldn’t be too hard to find someone who knows where my ship is supposed to be. I need to find a disguise first. There will be many who will be on the lookout for me.”

Surprisingly, Ferris, Wren, and Baz volunteered to go buy me a headcloth.

“What do we pay with?” Wren asked, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear.

“Anything. Headclothes aren’t that exspensive to buy, unless the prices have shot up dramatically since I left.” Even though I was shaking from fear, sadness, and excitement, I managed a smile.

Baz, to my utter surprise, pulled out a small silver piece. “Should this do?”

I nodded, and then the three of them were off into the market. The rest of us warriors sat on the sandy ground. Seagulls loudly squawked, flying above the buildings, and a warm breeze swept through.

Ash and I sat together, she every few minutes giving me a reassuring smile. Harris came over, and sat next to Ash, and looked over at me.

“You know Jimm, you’re really brave to do this. I mean, it takes a lot of guts to come back when so many people are hunting you… and when your crew is… well…”

What he was considering saying was, “and when your crew is at risk of death by my mere presence, even though they may be thousands of miles away from Telest.”

I gave him a slight nod. It didn’t make me feel better, but he was trying. Ever since he had begun to show interest in Ash, who is my closest friend, and it was known that Ash liked him back, I had tried to treat him with respect. Ash had chosen this man, just like I had chosen…

“We’re back!” Wren was grinning, and Ferris was behind her, out of breath. Baz triumphantly held a red scarf above his head. He tossed it over to me.

“Should that work?”

All the warriors looked at me expectantly. I turned the cloth over, examining it. “Yes, it should be fine.”

Ferris gently nudged Wren’s shoulder, and I saw him mouth, “told you.” He surprisingly looked incredibly… happy. That was rare for him.

I wrapped the red cloth over my black hair in a suitable fashion, and then turned around to look at all the warriors standing in the alley. If you visited a home portal of one of the warriors, it was common knowledge that that warrior was in charge.

The Tale of a Pirate: the Story of Jimmina Turneyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें