Author's Note

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Hi all! Thank you so much for deciding to read my story! I'm genuinely honored that out of everything available to you in the Hunchback fandom, you're taking interest in this little fic of mine. But before we begin, it's my responsibility to talk to you about some of the sensitive topics that are front and center in this story.

Just like the original novel, the Disney film, and the Disney musical, this fic deals with themes of racism and ableism. Both can be tricky topics to work with, and I'm doing my best to be sensitive with anything that can be offensive to certain people groups.

That said, if you are someone who has been affected by racism and ableism, please hold me accountable! If something that I write rubs you in the wrong way, let me know! I want to be accurate in regards to Hunchback's content, but as a white, able-bodied person, I don't want to damage any piece of this story beyond repair. So please let me know if there is something you think I should change.

Additionally, I use the word "gyp-y" many times throughout this story in order to hold true to the language used in the works that I'm basing this book off of. However, it's important to recognize that in the 21st century, this term is in fact a slur and should be treated as such. If you are not of Romani descent, then please don't use the word in comments or discussion. It is offensive! And I'm not saying that I find it offensive for no particular reason- I have heard many Romani folk state that the word is demeaning. And of course, their opinion matters most! So- Please be respectful of others. Be kind.

I think that covers all my bases! Again, thank you for reading- Please vote, follow, and comment!

Much love to you all!
~ midnightishh :)

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