Love show

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I am overwhelmed by a feeling of panic: what should I say to her?

"sweetheart,...sweetie.... FRA!"

I am brought back to reality by gaga screaming my name.

" Yeah, what’s going on?!?!"

" We need to get out of here, stay close to me."

We’re going back to the apartment, and five minutes later, I’m starting to feel sick:panic attack. What should I tell my friends? That my parents died, I was raped and then WOW I MET LADY GAGA IN PERSON? What a mess.

" baby look at me. You’ll be ok, breathe sweetie."

While I try to calm down (which is not very easy) the door opens and I immediately recognize Taylor’s voice. "babe I go to sleep a bit I’m quite tired...hey what happened, can I do something?"

"sweetheart, don’t worry, she’s a friend of yours, she’s certainly not going to judge you, she’s going to listen to you, I’m sure...what about a hot bath so you can relax a bit? "

I nod trying to hide my face full of tears. I see gaga disappear in the bathroom followed by Taylor.
10 minutes later I hear gaga calling me.

" I'm coming "

"then here should be everything you need but if there is anything else don't hesitate to ask"

"you are really too kind, thank you" and I start to cry for the second time.

"it’s the least I can do" and comes out of the bathroom


I come out of the bathroom and I go back to Taylor who has already fallen asleep. I approach and give him a kiss on the forehead "good night love". At one point I hear a scream and I already know who was shouting. I rush in front of the bathroom door and knock "hey it's everything okay? can I come in?"
I don’t get an answer. "Francesca what’s going on, can I come in?" silence again. " I’m worried...I’m coming in".
I find her in the tub all trembling and crying. "Francesca talk to me, what happens?"

"I feel his hands on me, I can't-...AAAAAAA and... my mom, my mom is gone HAHAHAHA do you know? A fucking truck hit her, funny uh?" And she start crying, it’s the fucking effects of these two big psychological traumas. Still dressed I enter the tub and hold it to me as close as possible, I want to have her so close to feel our hearts beating in unison.
" We will face it together, you are not alone. I will be with you."

Three days after

"good morning princess"

"Taylor don’t tickle me, please, NO NO ENOUGH! I need to talk to you... it’s important"
"Well, I know it’s a big step, I’ve been thinking about it a lot but I'm quite sure of what I want to do. In these days Francesca has been with me as if she had known me forever, she made me feel special, she is a girl with a heart of gold and above all she needs help. Mine, ours."

"Stefani you won’t want..."

"you only call me Stefani when you’re angry, why? what’s wrong?"

" I’m not angry, just like you said, it’s a big step and we talked about it many times and you always told me you were not ready"

"it should be easier, she’s a teenager...but I feel that we have a connection, I don’t know how to explain it but i know that there is"

"I trust you and whatever you decide I’ll accept it because it’s a beautiful thing what you want to do"

"Do you just say that to please me or do you really think that?"

"Look at me. Do you really think I'm lying?"

"So are you with me to do this?"

" Yes, I’ll always be".

God what a wonderful man he is. I’ll take his face with my hand and kiss him, a sweet kiss full of feeling. " let’s go wake up the other sleeper?"

"you go, I’ll make breakfast so we can all talk together over some delicious pancakes."

"Oh breakfast in bed..." I head to Francesca’s room, I open the door and I find her still asleep in the blankets, it seems too an angel I don't want to wake her but I have to.
" Buongiorno fiorellino" using some of my Italian skills.

"ciao bella, are you already awake?"

" we all are, I also mean taylor. This morning we’d like to talk to you about something..." and that’s when Taylor comes in with breakfast

" for my girls: pancakes, strawberries and blueberries. I hope you like them"

"you’re such a gentleman Taylor, and I love them anyway"

"It’s a pleasure"

"then, we wanted to talk..."

"she wanted. The idea started with Stefani, take credit." you see why he is a wonderful man?

" Francesca, since the first day I met you, you’ve made me feel special. It’s like you’ve known me forever, you know what to say to give me a smile, I was afraid of intimidating you but you opened up to me right away, and I want to help you. Because it makes me feel good to see you happy while you’re trying to teach me something in Italian, and when I miss the pronunciation, we laugh together. It’s something really special, you’re special."
She’s already got clear eyes, I really think about these things.
" and the best way to help you and have you in my...our family. I would love to adopt you"

"I-I-I...are you serious?" she says in tears

"absolutely" Taylor replies

"omg i don't know what to say"



hope you like the new chapter and if you see some mistakes feel free to tell me💕

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