Tuesday 4th December [Marinette]

Start from the beginning

"Oh my Lord, you are!" Marinette ran the distance back to her friend and scooped her into a tight hug. Marinette Dupain-Cheng believed she deserved a medal for being the worlds worst best friend. How could Alya ever  forgive her for leaving?

"How far are you? Marinette asked, tentatively.

"I'm due this month."

Alya rested her head on her best friends shoulder as the tears flowed freely down her face ... again. She was beginning to wonder how many tears she could actually create.

"So I take it you're not in university anymore?"

She shook her head and Marinette stood up again.

"I'm going to make us both a hot chocolate and then you're going to tell me everything." Alya nodded in agreement before grabbing a tissue from the box in front of her. Marinette couldn't believe it, her friend was pregnant at nineteen years old.

This was not part of Alya's plan and Marinette was quite sure the effect was both on her physical and mental wellbeing. Only one question rang in her head though, where the hell was Nino?

Bringing the hot chocolates back, Marinette placed them on the table and turned back to her friend offering her arms out again. Alya fell into them, eyes dry from all the tears she'd already spilt.

"I'm so sorry Alya, I should have been here to help and support you. I'm such a terrible friend."

"Don't worry about it. Adrien's been around helping whenever he can. I just feel bad though, he should be out enjoying his life and instead he's checking up on his mess of a friend. I'm trying to not rely on him so much. It's not fair to him."

"He really is a saint, isn't he?" Marinette couldn't help the smile creep across her face. It seems Adrien was still the same as before. As for everyone else, well it's time for Alya to start the story.

"The story isn't big and it isn't grand. To be honest it was all a mistake. We'd all gone to watch Kitty Section perform, and I drank way too much. I had an argument with Nino and next thing I know I'm pregnant."

Marinette knitted her eyebrows together completely confused. What was she trying to tell her?

"So ... so ... is it Nino's?"

"I don't know, Mari. I really don't know." She looked down at the floor and Marinette's heart broke even more for her friend.

"Who's is it then?"

Alya looked at her and bit onto her lower lip. Quickly grabbing her drink and taking a gulp before belching in response.

"That's the thing. I don't know. The one guy who it might be has agreed to take a paternity test once the baby is born, but Nino ... he won't talk to me Mari! He hasn't spoken to me in months. The only time I know anything about him is when Adrien fills me in."

Adrien's name had been mentioned numerous times and Marinette couldn't help the thought running through her head. Was he the second option for the father?

"Alya, could the baby be?" This was awkward, one of the most awkward conversations of her life. Marinette really didn't know how she would feel if Alya had slept with Adrien. Even though the crush had died down on him a lot, what if he was the father of her best friends baby? Marinette knew it would hurt. It would hurt a lot.

"Could it be Adrien's?" Alya looked at Marinette blankly for a couple of sections before her face creased into one of pure joy and laughter. Marinette sat shocked at her friends sudden outburst.

"Wow! Really? You'd think Adrien would just sleep with anyone? Can you not remember what sunshine boy was like? I still don't think he has had his first real kiss. I mean Kagami's been patient with him, but you can't blame her for dumping him, twice, because he won't kiss her on the lips."

"Is he single then?" Marinette couldn't help but bite her lower lip as a rush started up in her stomach as she thought about her old crush, which she thought she was over ... the boy with the golden hair and mesmerising eyes.

"Oh yes! I personally think his obsession with a small bluenette has kept him from moving on." She nudged Marinette in the shoulder causing the said bluenette to almost spontaneously combust.

Me? Could she be implying me?

"Have you seen him yet?" She asks.

"No. But I have a job interview at 'Agreste' on Thursday. I'm hoping to surprise him."

"You're looking wonderful Mari, he's going to fall at your feet."

Years ago Marinette would have easily crumbled at that statement but for some reason now, it just didn't effect her the way it used to. She would admit honestly that her feelings for him hadn't gone and she had an idea that once she'd seen him it'd all come flooding back. But now there were Chat and, perhaps, also Luka?

"So miss Ladybug. How was your training?" It was great to have some of the old Alya creeping back into conversation and Marinette couldn't help smile at her.

"I will explain everything when you tell me who the other father might be? Alya please, I want to be able to help but I will need to know everything."

The smile left her face in a flash and she looked down at her hands.

She mumbled a name but Marinette couldn't quite hear her.

"Sorry I didn't catch that." Marinette questioned again, bending down to her level.

Alya looked straight into Marinette's eyes with such sorrow and regret. Then she spoke. The name she said knocked the breath out of Marinette, never would she have guessed this name. Alya sighed and then opened her mouth.


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