Chapter 2

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"Uhh hi I guess." I state looking down in fear of the looking into her violet eyes.
"Oh Alice dear come inside and have tea with us." She stated her attitude nothing less then expected from a queen."but you must leave that disgusting feline outside he'll stick up the palace." Her face even more scrunched then before.
"But queen he's my best friend we can't leave him behind." I stated holding on to Toni tighter then what I had before."he's important to me, he stays." My eyes finally meeting her cold ones, but something changed they softened the moment my eyes meet hers.
"Fine, fine whatever you say Alice." Her words floated around like little feathers in the air.  "Alice stop calling me queen you know my name." Annoyance once more filling her voice as we walked. Before I could understand what was happening a purple punk picked me up and started jumping around the castle until we were in the forest.
" now you are you?!" I question holding Toni's tense body to my chest.
" now Alice it hurts me to find that you've forgotten me." The cat mans words light and free, less tight then the queens.
" I'm sorry but I don't, now if you'd please if like to go home." The moment the words hit my lips I regretted them. I don't want to go home I want to stay. Away from the witch and her demons. Away from the loneliness and the feeling or wrongness , of not belonging, the feeling of being alone. The slight thought of it brought on panic. " I don't want to go back!" I I tightened my grip on the purple man as if he'd disappear and I'd be back in that hell hole.
"Alice relax we won't make you go back." The words echoed in my mind calming me into a a smooth sleep. Where a man found me and wrapped his arms around me, allowing me to sleep. I was free for once even if I was crazy.

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