Chapter 3

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My eyes slowly opened blurry from the deep sleep that had over come me. "Where am I?" I thought, slowly sitting up. I was laying on a vibrant purple couch. I had never seen anything as bright purple as this couch. My eyes slowly scanning the room. I didn't find anything alarming except for the sleeping cat man, that I grabbed so tightly earlier that day. It was so undignified how could I cling to someone I didn't know? Slowly the sleeping cat opened his eyes, Golden like shine bricks of gold. I had never seen a pretty golden color in my life.

"May I ask you what I'm doing here?" I asked slowly throwing my feet over the side of the couch.
"You fell asleep in my arms so I figured I take her to rest, I'm sure that rabbit wore you out being aggressive as he is." He laughs.
"Now that you're here with me how about we have a little fun, and go find the twins." A creepy smile.

We walked for what seemed like hours before coming to a huge house that had gates in the front blocking the entrance. " why are we here?" I said walking closer to the cat. As we continued walking closer I saw a man with bunny ears but he wasn't that white hairs bunny. He had a gun sitting in his hand ready for use.
"There is no way I am getting any closer.I mumbled stopping right in my tracks.
"I see you also don't remember the hare either." He said looking at me suspiciously.

"Why would you think I would remember any of you? I've never been here in my life, and they said my mother was crazy." I rambled trying to figure out what was going on.
My mother may have been crazy but there is no way that we would hallucinate the same thing. My mind whirled around the thought.
" maybe they'll take me to the loonie bin too." I whispered.

The car slowly dragged me up to the so called hare. My body began shaking as we got closer to the hare with the gun. "How could he put me in a dangerous situation?" I thought to myself, but then I realized I don't know this cat man. How could I have been putting so much faith into him, Into anyone that lives here. This place lives on madness.

Before I could get back from my thought the hare had wrapped his arms around me and started hugging me.
" where have you been alice, we've been looking for you for years." The hare says hugging me tighter. " the boss is going to be thrilled, he's never been with anyone the way he's been with Alice." The hare whispered to me and the cat.

" what are you talking about? I don't know who your boss is." I stated crossing my arms across my chest.
" what do you mean you don't know my boss?" The hare said his mouth dropping open. "Don't tell me she's lost her memories." The hare said his eyes widening with worry.

"I would appreciate if you would help me find Toni though, I haven't seen him since I fell asleep." I said worry filling my voice. "He's my best friend, if I don't find him I'm going to have a mental break down." I said tears filling my eyes.

Toni POV

I had no idea where I was or where kortney was. Everyone thinks she's a different Alice probably her great great great grandmothers or something. Honestly the fact that they kept the tradition of giving the youngest the name Alice, is demented. Good thing her mother broke the tradition, her middle names Alice though. Her grandmother was so upset about it that she continued calling Kortney Alice, so the fact that she's not flinching at being called Alice isn't surprising. Let's not forget the fact that she has to share even a little bit of a name with that horrible aunt of hers. Her grandfather made it so the oldest got the house only a few years ago, before it was the youngest named Alice who got it. That was the way it was for years. I'm glad that Kortney doesn't have to deal with that pressure. I sure hope I find her soon, she's probably going insane without me.

Two hands wrapped around before I could even react. "You're that pesky cat that Alice has been carrying around with her." The man with the white ears said. A hiss slowly escaped my mouth as I glared at him.
"What a cheeky little creature you are." He said holding me by my scruff. I sure as hell was not going to be gentle with him once he let me go.
"I'm sure Alice will be happy once she sees I've found you, you fowl animal. Maybe then since she lost her memory she'll like me Instead of that damn blood." He said talking to himself obviously not getting that I can understand him. This is going to be a rough trip.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2017 ⏰

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