"I love you Papa!"

Start from the beginning

"My apologies for the wait ladies" Koushi announced walking towards the group. (Y/n)'s brows furrowed a bit as she had noticed the change in her brother's voice.

"Prince Koushi~" one squealed before a majority of then waltzed towards the pair.

"Ah you must be the Princess" one smiled at (Y/n) as Koushi dropped her on the ground.

One cue (Y/n) put one leg before the other dropping a curtsey as she held the side of her dress.

"G-greetings um.. my name is (Y/n) it's a pleasure to meet you all" She said meekly before turning to her brother. He gave her a thumbs up indicating that she did it properly.

"Aww~ she's so cute" One squealed.

"Yachi. Come here and meet Princess (Y/n)" one said calling the attention of a child around (Y/n)'s age.

She was a cute little girl. She had shoulder length blonde hair and broad fawn eyes. Her dress was pink and quite frilly, there was a matching pink bow holding a bit of her hair at the side.

This was the first child around (Y/n)'s age that she had seen in a while and she was a really excited.

Yachi on the other hand was sceptical, she was always a jittery kid and got really nervous when meeting new people.

"H-hello Princess (Y/n), I'm Hitoka Yachi" The child mumbled fiddling with her dress.

"Hi! Do you wanna be my friend?" (Y/n) smiled broadly making the other ladies hearts melt.

"Really...? You wanna be my friend Princess?" Yachi smiled

"You can call me (Y/n), Okay Ya-chan?"

"(Y/n)-Chan.." she mumbled as her cheeks grew warmer

The girls played for a while before Yachi's carriage arrived and she had to leave.

The siblings sat on a round table with tea and snacks on the table beside the ladies Miwa, Alisa, Kiyoko and Hana.

"So Prince Koushi, you must have a very good relationship with your sister" Hana started twirling a strand of her hair with her finger.

"Ah yes, i was just about to teach (Y/n) some magic tricks. Right?" He smiled proudly and his little sister nodded.

"Princess are you enjoying your time in the castle?" Hana asked

"Yes, everyone is really nice" (Y/n) giggled.

The conversation went on for a long time. (Y/n) didn't really understand what they were saying but she always answered the questions they asked.

She turned to her right and saw a girl about a few years older than her sitting quietly she didn't really contribute to the conversation and she looked quite bored.

She had long Ebony hair with dark gray eyes and a distinct mole on the lower left side of her chin, she wore a simple white dress with a blue ribbon on the neckline.

"Are you bored, Kiyoko?" (Y/n) whispered slightly poking her forearm.

"I'm alright, Thank you Princess" she smiled politely "Tea parties aren't really my thing"

"then what is your thing?"

"I like fighting" she winked down at the kid who was staring at her in awe.

Meanwhile hidden behind the bushes were the twins who were spying on the bunch

"He's totally using her as a chick magnet" Yū scoffed

"And it's working" Ryū whined

"Even Lady Shimizu is falling for his schemes" Yū nudged his brother's arm trying to mock him.

Karasuno's Princess ( Haikyuu X Child!Reader ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now