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It's almost midnight and it's raining. I opened the blinds to that I can see how beautiful the rain is. It's the only thing I can be calm of. As I play some chill music, I took a book from the shelf and was starting to read it when I saw a sillouhette of a person outside. I looked at it and saw Lia outside, soaking wet. I didn't bother myself to help her because it's her choice to soak herself. Then 3 minutes later I saw her passed out.

"Lia..." I mumbled. I quickly went downstairs and approached her. Her lips is so purple and she's so white. The rain hits hard as I took her in. I layed her down on my sofa and took a towel for her to be a little dry. Then I went to cook her food, as the food boils. A hand slipped in and hugged me. It's cold and wet so I know who did it.

"Lia? You need rest, go there and take a nap."I said but didn't bother myself to turn around.

"I don't want to." She said. She's dripping wet so I can't tell if what I felt hot is her tears or just her body letting out heat. After what she said, I let her hugged me as I wait for the soup to be ready. She didn't let go the whole time and my shirt is now wet but it's okay.

Honestly, I don't know why I'm mad at her. These past few days is so bad that I think I might end my life. Thoughts like this happened before, and came back. But this time it's different. Thinking of what Jiyeon did makes me angry and sad. And that sorrow I felt becomes bigger.

I hate her for making me fell inlove with her. I hate her for making me like this. I hate how she acts cute around me and everything. But most of the time, all I can blame is myself. But this happened, maybe it's not her.

As I think deeper, I forgot that the soup is now ready. So I tapped her telling her that I need to move.

"You sit there" I said and point towards the chair. She sat down and I gave her the soup. She then started to slurp it. I looked towards her who looks so wet because of the rain.

"After that, come upstairs. You need to change." She then nodded, after some minutes she finished eating. Then she went with me upstairs.

"Take a shower, then pick some clothes of mine there so you have something to wear. Then stay here for the night." I said. Then I left her. Since my job here is done, I went to my room and arranged everything so it doesn't look like I messed up these days.


I took a shower then pick some clothes to wear. I walked towards the wardrobe and wore her hoodie.

"Waah, this is so comfy"I said and hugged myself imagining that I'm hugging her. Then after I finished, I walked outside looking for her. Then I found her in a room, reading a book with her glasses on. "You look so handsome" I mumbled. As I gaze towards her , her eyes met mine. Then she stopped reading and went to open the door.

"Are you sleepy? You can sleep in my room, I can sleep here."she said and pointed the sofa beside her.

"You can sleep there, I'll sleep here."

"No. You sleep there, I'll sleep here."


"Just obey me. " she said. She sounded so dominant so I obeyed what she said. She guided me towards her room  then she closed the door for me to have a quality time for myself. I can't sleep because I kept thinking of her.

"I can't confess.."I said to myself. "Arrggg, she might leave me again. "

Yes, I have feelings for her since day one. Myself keeps holding me back from winning her attention, also her heart. I imagined things with her, imagine my life with her. We both have the same spoon. So it's not that hard if we adopt a child. But.

"I don't think she'll love me."

Then what yuna said just played.

"If you didn't confess, there's a chance that someone will win her heart. " she said.

Because of the confusion I'm having, I got up and left my room. As I walk to the corridor, I looked for her at the same room she is awhile ago. I saw her with her blanket on, sleeping. I slowly opened the door and went in. As I walk towards her, I can't stop myself from smiling. I noticed that her hair blocks her face so I tucked it in the side of her ear. As I get closer, my lips gets closer and closer to hers.

"You're mine...I love you.."I whispered. Then finally pecked her lips.


PYSCHO| Ryujin X reader.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora