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"Hey Lia.. Can we talk?"

"About what?"

I shifted my gaze and looked at her for a minute. She looks tired. More like she haven't got any sleep.

"Why did you broke up with me?" She asked. I swallowed in nervousness. Her puff eyes with her pale skin. 

"I tried my best not to interfere with your stress and studies.."

I looked at her with sadness painted on my face. I leaned on her and kissed her passionately. She slowly caress my face and we went on a deep kiss. 

Then, I woke up naked. Beside her. 

"Where are you going?" She rubbed  her eyes so she can see me clearly.

I stood up and wore my shirt and skirt. I looked at her and I already see that she's disappointed.

"Again..? Really Lia?" Chaeryeong asked. 

I looked at her and I just left. with no words coming out of my mouth. No goodbyes,  kiss, anything.

I'm really sorry.. 

I went inside the cafeteria with my other friends, I looked for any tables we can occupy.

"Hey!" Someone called. "How are you?" she said and hugged me.

"I missed you so much Jennie." I said. Jennie is with her friends. Lia and Rose. I hugged her and we left the place. 

"How you've been girl? " She asked and sipped her drink. After leaving the cafeteria, we went on going on a Cafe. 

"I'm fine" I said. I gazed on my drink as my hands try to submerge the ice on top of my drink. 

"You know, we know all about you.." Lisa said and smirked. She reached out for my hand and gripped it tight. She looked at me with rage. " Remember, we have our eyes on you. What you touch.. Which people you're with.." She looked down and slowly went up. "And who you like.."

"It's her right?" Rose handed me her phone with Ryujin's photo in it.


"it's  indeed her." Rose looked at them and  laughed. 

Jennie reached out her hand and played with my tie..

"If you want to settle this..do it in the right way. " She loosen my tie and from that I know that everything still traumatizes me. "You know the address.. you can come if you want. Or else.."

Rose then played a video.

"You get that miss?" Jennie said. I nodded and they left. I paid for the meal and left.


"Hey..?" I looked at her. She bumped me. "Hey? Lia? Are you okay?" 

She slowly looked at me. I can see in her eyes that she's tired and terrified. And from that, I don't if what I think is right. I took her to my house after class. After so many minutes, she still didn't talked about it.

"Lia? I brought you food. Is there a chance that you can stand up and go to the kitchen?" I asked. She stood up and went on the kitchen. "Uhm..you can eat now." 

I left her for a minute in a reason that I made myself busy. After some minutes, she didn't touch the food I made. It  hurts me a little bit but all scenarios are understandable. I took the plate slowly. I sat down facing front of her. Then I heard a phone vibrate. She took her phone without even saying any word. Then she hangs up. She left the chair and bowed in front me. It made me confused and shocked..? 

Then she left my house. 


"Eeeeey!! " The three shouted in happiness. " Look who's here. "Jennie said then approached me. She looked at me looking like she's finding something. 

"Don't you have any party clothes on? You're still in your uniform"

I just looked down. 

"Looks like someone's getting naked" Lisa whispered. 

Jennie looked at me and proceeded to ask again " Is there any clothes you brought?" 

I didn't answer. 

Jennie lost her temper and roughly took all my clothes. I couldn't help but cry. She threw my bag to the pool and got me naked. Leaving only none of my clothes.

"hey girl calm down." Rose said and walk towards her. 

"I hate this bitch." She then slapped me. "You need to obey what I'll say. got that ?" She said in rage. 

The three looked at me while I still cry. Then Lisa took me to the basement.

I'm here again..    

She then pushed me on the bed and looked at me smirking. "You'll have fun later with the boys.." and shut the door.


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