What the fOoCk?!

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"What the foock was that, Dray? You just stormed out like a little pussy." Pansy shouted after him, attempting to grab his hand.

"Yeah, Mate. Potter looked like he could have snogged your face off, then you left. Why?" Blaise teased, finally catching up.

Draco suddenly halted, turning to face his friends with a stern face. "One, I don't like Potter, two, the veritaserum does not work and three, the game was boring as hell anyways."

Pansy rolled her eyes, "Bitch, Please. You're not fooling anyone."

"Go back in there and shag Potter senseless."

Draco glared at Blaise. "Fuck off Blaise. And no, I will not be going back in there. I'm tired and I want sleep."

As he began to walk away again, Pansy said, "Fine, I'll bring Potter to you."

Before Draco could stop her, Pansy yelled, "Potter get your ass here, now."

Harry quickly appeared, looking embarrassed yet sly. "Yes, Parkinson."

"One final dare... ask Draco here out on a date."

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