Their secret

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It had been a week since their 'detention', and everything continued as normal. Harry kept an eye out for anything suspicious and Malfoy related, but nothing happened.

One night, Harry, Hermione and Ron were all talking in the common room, sharing a tub of every flavour bean.

Hermione suddenly stood up, looking at her watch. "I, uh, have to go and um. Study?"

Harry and Ron shared suspicious looks as she ran away. "She's been doing that a lot. One time we were sitting in the library and she said that she had to go to the library. We were in the library!!" Ron exclaimed, spitting out a bad tasting bean. Probably earwax.

Harry agreed, "Like, I know she loves to study, but even for Hermione, this is too much."

"I bet she has a booyfriennddd!" Ron snickered.

"Oh my god. Yes. Why on earth didn't she tell us. I want to know everything. I bet he's hot. Sorry." Harry rambled on.
(Btw Ron know Harry's sexuality and is supportive. Like... he is a king)

"Get the map Harry. We are going on a quest!" Ron jumped up and headed out the door, pointing his wand before him like a knight.


"Hey sluts!" Blaise said, joining Pansy and Draco, who were sitting on his bed.
"Why are we sitting on my bed and not Draco's?"

"Cause Sir. Draco requires the up most care for his wealthy bed. No peasant, such as ourselves, may be within one centimetre of his bed." Pansy said in a posh, mimicking voice.

"That's is right you foul peasants. Bow down to your King." Draco cried, waving a polite hand around the room. Only stopping to slap Pansy around the face.

"Aight, I gotta go. Bye bitches!" Pansy exclaimed, getting up to leave.

Blaise grabbed her arm and smirked, "OoOooO. Have you got yourself a girlllllfriend? Who is she?"

"No. I have not got a girlfriend and it is none of your business where I am going. Ta ta for now."

As she left the room, Draco shouted, "We will find out soon Pansy Perseus Parkinson. That's a promise. God why does your name have so many P's?"


Harry and Ron snuck into the viaduct courtyard, where Hermione's name had been on the Maruders map. They spotted her sitting alone by a tree, she seemed to be waiting for someone.

Just as they were about to approach her and ask what she was doing, a voice startled them.

"What are you don't here Weasel and Scarhead?" Draco snarled.

"None of your business, Malfoy." Harry hissed back, keeping an eye on Hermione.

It was then that they all noticed Pansy approaching Hermione. Then, the two kissed.



Both girls look in their direction and blush hard. "Look, boys, we can explain."
Hermione began to stutter.

"Come on Mione." Pansy said, turning to face the boys. "Me and Hermione are dating, goodnight and goodbye."

"Since when?"

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"Why her?"

"How did it happen?"

"Who did the first kiss?"

"Have you said the L word?"

"Whose top?" Blaise said, causing everyone to turn to him. "What did I say?"

"I am." Pansy replied. As Hermione began to object, Pansy brought her into a passionate kiss. "You know I am, babe."

Draco coughed loudly, "As adorable as this is, I think you two owe us all some sort of explanation."

Pansy and Hermione nodded and beckoned them to sit down.

"We have been dating for just over a month now. And we didn't tell you because of the whole rivalry thing." Hermione started.

"To answer your other question, I'm dating her because I like her, actually I may love her, but not right now. Stop smirking you twats." Pansy continued, hugging Hermione tightly.

"How did you guys get together though?" Ron questioned, smiling

Hermione smirked, "You'll all have to wait until Wednesday for that!"

Hermione and Pansy walked away, hand in hand, leaving all the boys speechless.

"Well. We'll be going now. Won't we Blaise?" Draco said, standing up, dragging Blaise along.

"Woah." Harry and Ron unified.

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