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Ki woke up with a banging headache, hearing the soft sounds of the monitor next to her. Her vision was blurry for a few moments until it cleared out and she looked around until she heard Jenna's voice. "Ki?" Jenna blinked and sat up, gently hugging Ki. "We thought you weren't gonna wake up," she whispered and kissed Ki's cheek. Ki groaned softly from the headache before her mom and brother came over, hugging her. "How long I been out?" She whispered and looked around at the white walls, looking down at the IV's in her hand. "Almost a month. If you're wondering - August is fine. He should be back in a little. He woke up the day after and has been in and out of your room since he been out," her mom held onto her hand and her brother held Alana in his lap. "When he woke up, the first person he asked about was you. He didn't care about the concerts or anything, he was worried about you," Jenna made sure to keep her tone low, her brother going to go get a nurse. After a few moments, the nurse walked in and started checking Ki's vitals. After taking out most of the IV's except two, she checked Ki off and took out the breathing tubes.

"How you feelin'?" Her mom asked, pushing her hair from her face. "Like I got hit by a truck." She laughed weakly, getting a bit short of breath. "Nah, but I feel a little better. I'm just glad to be alive."

"They thought you weren't gonna last the first night. We were so scared," her brother sighed and kissed his sisters cheek. "We so glad you awake. Had us terrified." He laughed a little and stroked her hair slowly. After a few minutes, August walked in with flowers, balloons, and a few outfits for her. Once he saw that she was open, he quickly set everything down and hugged her, kissing her cheek and then her lips. "Baby, I was so scared." She teared up and hugged him back the best that she could, her grip still weak from being out for so long. "Let's give them their privacy," her mom whispered to Jenna and her brother, leading them out. August pulled up a chair and wiped her cheeks from the tears, kissing her hand afterwards. "I thought you won't gone wake up. Had my ass terrified."

"What about the person that hit us?" August's face dropped and he tightened his grip on her hand for a moment, "Take a guess."

"...Jasmine?" Ki's voice grew slightly weak before her eyebrows knitted, pulling on the bandage on her head and causing for her to wince. "When I see her after I'm better--"

"--you not gone do a goddamn thing. What the fuck I tell you about that fightin shit? You not fightin nobody. And that's final. She got out some time ago though, so I'on know where she at. But she shouldn't be ya concern right now. It should be gettin better." He sighed and kissed her forehead, keeping his hold on her hand. Ki sighed heavily before taking a deep breath and turning a little to him, "Sorry, baby. I just...I wanna be there whenever you need me to," she paused before turning back onto her back when her headache started to return and travel to one side of her head. "Ah," she huffed before August shifted and stood up a bit, helping her shift onto her back. "Don't do anything ya uncomfortable with. I'm here fa a reason, ma," he sat back down and held onto her hand again. "Do ya rememba anything?"

Ki blinked and shrugged, looking around for a little. "I remember when we got to the red light and we were still singing and holding hands. Then everything was a blur..."


"Baby, don't turn the radio station," Ki laughed at August and kissed his cheek softly, looking back down at their hands for a little. She thought he would be mad at her for what happened with Jasmine earlier, but surprisingly, he wasn't. Something about how she always seemed so genuinely apologetic made August's usual quick fire temper almost nonexistent. It felt like every time they were together, absolutely nothing could go wrong and that everything could go right.

"Ki-" before he could get anymore words out, the horns honking behind them turn to screams when the SUV had slammed into the front of her car. "Call 911!" Someone screamed from another car over and people dialed 911 repeatedly. The windshield had shattered completely and the front part of the car had come down and cracked Ki's skull, blood everywhere. By the time the paramedics had got there, both of them had lost enough blood to the point where heading to the nearest trauma center was the best option for both.

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