XXIII (final/part 1.)

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"I talked to him before I went to bed, but I haven't seen him since," Ki looked up at her mom and took the water bottle, sipping through the straw so she wouldn't mess up her lips. Jenna was curling her hair to put it in a half up-half down look, accompanied by a tiara with the veil attached. She also would put a few pearls that were cut in half on her hair, just for that extra 'umph' factor. "How are you nerves?" Her mom sat in front of her and massaged her hands, Ki shrugging a little, "Shot to absolute hell. I'm so nervous."


"Because, I'm about to be attached to August by the hip," she paused and took another sip of her water to calm herself down. "He went from stubborn, man-whore August to settled down, daddy, husband August. I feel like I just changed his whole life," she pursed her lips and August's mom piped from the bathroom, "You changed my baby's life for the better, you know," she came out the bathroom while fixing her hair, "You the only girl he's dated in the past couple years that I fully approve of. Especially because you ain't after just his money or fifteen minutes of fame," she shrugged and Ki felt a small sense of relief wash over her once scared heart. "Not to mention, you gave both your mom and his mom the most adorable granddaughter," Jenna smiled and leaned over, smiling a bit.

"Not to mention, you changed for the better too, Ki. All you used to do was party and be wild as hell; I know this because you're my best friend. But now because of him, and Sam, you're more chilled. Getting married at 23 is kind of young, but you're far beyond that, in a good way. You and August are gonna last. I know it," Jenna patted her cheek and continued to curl her hair and Ki smiled, Kane bringing over Sammy who was wide awake and dressed in her outfit with a white headband. "Look at momma's stinka," Ki grinned and blew on Sammy's cheeks, making her laugh. Alana and Lana came running in, followed by Jasmine who was dressed in a pale pink loose dress and heels, laughing at the both of them. "They've been playing all day. Literally -- all day."

"I can tell," Ki laughed and August's nieces came in, followed by Chandra, wearing their dresses and Chandra wearing her bridesmaid dress. "August is in there going off," she snorted and Ki shook her head, laughing. "Why?"

"Something about his bow tie ain't right."

"I told that boy to get a back up one," Ki rolled her eyes and just laughed again, looking over at her dress hanging up on the door.

"Imma go check on August," his mom got her hair straight and headed down the hall to August's room, hearing his loud ass voice booming up out the room. "Anthony!" He blinked and turned around, his shirt half buttoned and his face flushing a light red. "Oh...hey, ma."

"Don't 'hey ma' me. Quit yellin and spazzing and just get ready. Y'all got 2 hours left, ain't no time for foolishness," she gave August a look and her rubbed his neck, laughing afterwards. "Aight, aight. Thank you mama," he held his arms out and she gave him a questioning look. "For what?" She walked in and hugged him, looking up at him afterwards. "Believing in my baby girl in the other room."

"Aw," Dell yelled from the bathroom while fixing his tie, Chris smacking the back of his head and earning a loud 'Ow!' from him. Both of them laughed and his mom shrugged, "Hey, she a good girl. If she was a cheerleader and graduated high school, she a good girl for my boy. Now I gotta go finish helping her get ready; you just stay calm and get ready, okay?"

"Aight, momma. I love you," he leaned down and kissed her forehead, letting her and returning to fixing his tie. "So Dell, you walkin Ki down, Chris you walkin down Chandra, and...Jenna going by herself?"

"Yea," Chris shrugged and August shot him a look, "Nigga."


"You still gotta apologize to her," he buttoned up the rest of his shirt and tucked it into his pants, pulling on his jacket and fixing the cuffs over his wrists. "I'll do it, but not now."

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