XI; beautiful warrior

Start from the beginning

   ''What are you doing here?'' She then asked with a quirked up eyebrows.

   She thought she left alone. Her eyes slowly darted down as well noticing how he jumped in with his clothes still on, well without armour.

   Caspian brought his hand up and behind his neck as a nervous gesture. ''Well, I wanted to check where you've gone off to, you know, in case there are Telmarine scouts around.'' He ended with a nervous chuckle as his eyes settled back on Idalia.

   For a moment he lost himself in her beautiful green eyes as she was humbly standing there close to him. Simplicity surrounded her as opposed to her usual stern glances and rough battle like attire. He noticed her dark long hair were loose and gently framed her face.

   ''I am completely capable of protecting myself.'' Idalia countered with a slight roll to her eyes.

   Caspian glanced shortly at her belongings on the ground before raising his eyebrows back at her. ''Are you now? It seems I took you quite by surprise.''

   Idalia frowned shortly when a smug look reappeared on his features. Then she registered a hidden meaning behind his words. It was like their first encounter, yet this one was more on a nice side of it since the first time Idalia had her knife at his throat. Then she couldn't help but smile at him as she remembered. Her body relaxed as he showed a toothy smile as well. They didn't know how much time passed as nobody dared to move a muscle. Idalia then looked away from his mesmerizing looks to take in again the nature around them.

   ''Beautiful isn't it?''

   ''It is,'' Caspian replied, only his eyes were not watching nature, he was watching her.

   She looked back at him and tensed again under his intense stare. Her eyes flickered around a bit noticing that space was just closing up between them, she didn't think they were as close before as they were in the moment. Idalia shortly shook her head to get rid of her inappropriate thoughts and she ragged her brain for something to say.

   ''It seems like, in times when you want to escape the cruelty of the reality, these quiet places help the best. It offers you a few moments of peace to look back at what you achieved before you fight your next battle.'' Her eyes were dreamily watching the surroundings, unaware Caspian hasn't glanced away from her once. She believed of what she spoke, somehow speaking from experience.

   ''Even the things you say are beautiful,'' Caspian spoke in a hushed tone.

   It sounded like his exact thoughts only he wasn't aware he actually spoke them. Idalia widened her eyes and looked back at him. The two were still standing close in the water, somehow forgetting that the more you stay still the colder it will get. But neither of them felt it because on the inside something was constantly warming them up. Idalia understood Caspian's implication of his words. She took a deep breath and wanted to protest but he stopped her.

   ''It's true, Idalia.'' Her name said with his voice was so sweet, Idalia would've melted if she could. ''You have been fighting for all of your life. You overcame every obstacle thrown at you with your head held high. You stayed loyal to those you deemed trusting. And through all of it, your heart stayed in one place - hoping, loving, wishing and knowing that there is more to war than just meaningless slashing of swords. That is why you are the most beautiful warrior out there.''

   He somehow concluded Idalia as a whole in those few simple sentences. Everyone can have a hard past but not everyone makes something of it. Everything that happened to Idalia made her who she was today. She maybe wasn't a princess and she didn't act like a proper lady at all times but what Caspian described her as was perfect. A beautiful warrior.

   Idalia's breath hitched in her throat as she stared into his brown eyes. Less and less space was left between them as neither could look away. It was right there in front of them, it had been for some time though both pushed it to the side. Each for their own reasons. Now was one of those peaceful moments, to reflect, to think, to act further. Only the time for thinking ran out quickly.

   Caspian's eyes glanced down at her lips, those pink flush looking lips he hated to admit but he had looked at before. He would though admit that this gentle expression, almost vulnerable suited her as well as the one she was acting all tough. Caspian's hand reached out from under the water and he placed his fingers under her chin. He tilted her head slightly upwards as he could already feel her hot breath fanning his face. They were so close, both closing their eyes in anticipation of what's going to happen next.

   And then their lips connected in harmony. Idalia felt like something swept her off her feet as the moment she imagined in her head became a reality. Her hands placed themselves on Caspian's arms, as his hands gently cupped her face. The kiss was gentle and it felt like both were trying to prove that it is in fact real. Idalia softly pulled away, though regretfully still. She didn't distance herself far and she was certain he could hear her beating heart. Something was on the tip of her tongue as though she wanted to sum up what just happened in one word.

   Something rustled in the forest not far from them making both snap out of the trance. Idalia quickly released Caspian's arms and moved completely away, while her head was turned to the source of the sudden noise. She glanced back at Caspian to see the surprise on his features as well. The moment was long overdue and it was time to come back to reality.

   Idalia climbed out of the water, forgetting completely she was still at a loss of some necessary clothes. When her widened eyes looked back at Caspian, he was climbing out as well but away from her so he couldn't see her. Her hands were trembling when she was pulling on her clothes, a bit from nerves and a bit from the cold breeze. Then she realised one important detail and her cheeks flushed a little.

   ''Caspian?'' She called out to him as her head looked over her shoulder.

   He was facing away, respectfully giving her privacy. ''Yes?'' He asked but still didn't look at her.

   ''Could you help me a little?''

   At first, he stiffened but slowly turned around, a bit scared at what she was asking him for. Idalia gestured to her back where she needed someone to tie the strings together of her tunic. It seemed like he barely registered what she was asking as he didn't move for a short while. Idalia pressed her lips together already regretting opening her mouth, she had done it before herself but it was quicker by someone else. Caspian finally moved then and with a nod agreed to help her. She felt his cold hands gently grazed her back as he picked up the strings, but then he froze.

   ''What is this?''

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Beautiful Warrior  [Caspian X]Where stories live. Discover now