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After the assorted group of strange characters explained things to me everything started to make sense.

"So you can do magic... I think I can do magic too."
Douxie gave me a surprised smile and took my hands.

"Thats wonderful! Come with me and I can teach you."

"Really, you don't even know me?"

" Well we have plenty of time to change that." He said with a smirk pulling at the corners of his lips

"Ok. Sure. I should probably grab my stuff right?"

"Yea, you might want to do that..."
The walk back to my house didn't take too long. I practically ran the entire way soaring off of adrenaline. I grabbed a backpack and filled it with things that seemed important.
Bandaids, water, spare clothes, a book or two, and a dumb childhood magic wand. With the bedazzled star on top. If I'm going be to learning magic might as well look the part!

I hurried back to douxie as soon as I could anxious to learn anything he could teach me. Hopefully more stuff than just magic....

He grabbed my hand and helped me into a weird floting boat. When I got onto the boat he pulled me a little bit further until my face pressed against his chest.

My face ignited as my eyes darted anywhere but to him. He chuckled at my reaction.

"Thats a nice look on you. Don't cha think so."

I didn't think it was possible to blush more but here I was face as red as an overheating tomato.

I found a place to sit down on the boat. Happily behind where douxie was piloting it. I stared at him often as he took us through the clouds. The small girl with the antlers stayed towards the bow, occasionally looking back at me and smiling with impish glee.

Whenever she did I looked away and found blood rushing to my cheeks.

After a few long hours of flight we landed in a wooded area. Douxie hopped out of the craft first.

"This seems like a good enough place to sleep tonight."

The small girl Nari ran into the forest telling us she would be back by sunrise. I didn't mind her leaving more time to have one on one magic training.

"Sooo... what kind of magic have you done?"

" Oh I've caused someone to fall, made myself teleport back home, and turned a napkin into a bar of gold..."

"Wow thats quite a few things..." He ran one of his hands through his hair thinking of what to say next.
"Was there something bothering you when you did this stuff."

"Yea I just was scared of something happening or just of being judged for not being good enough. Ya know like fight or flight."

"Interesting... Let's see," He picked up a rock and threw it at my head.

I screamed but felt no impact. When I opened my eyes I was behind Douxie. He whipped around and grabbed my shoulders.

"You just fell into the earth and popped up in a different spot!" He looked up towards the stars and then back at me. "You're a geomancer!"

"I'm a what?"

"So basically you can control earth around you. Say by tripping someone on a sudden upshoot of rock. Or falling into it and appearing at a different spot. You transformed something that wasn't earth into it with the gold."

"So I can turn anything into gold... Holy shit I'm going to be rich!"

He laughed gripping my shoulders tighter. " If only, physical transformation lasts only for a short time. The really cool thing about this is that you can make us a shelter."

"I'm sorry what?"

"Oh well you know we're out in the woods, and don't have a tent. So I thought I could teach you how to make something we can sleep under?"

" That does make alot of sense."

From there he guided me, making me feel the earth and how the plates shifted. How I could use that to pull stone up and make a shelter. After a few dozen failed attempts I finally made a 3 wall structure. I couldn't get a roof made.

Douxie shrugged and pulled a bunch of fallen branches on top to make a decent  roof.

" Thats looking pretty good eh." I nodded my head and went under the canopy.

Doixie made a small fire outside. I made my way closer to it as he sat down next to me.

"Would you like to sleep now or just talk for a bit?"
I looked into his beautiful blue eyes, "What do you want to do?"

" Talking to you sounds like fun." I blushed and looked down at the ground with that comment. "Or you know we could do something more personal..."

My head snapped to look at him my cheeks beginning to glow. "What do you mean."

"I think you already know the answer to that my dear."

Douxie X Reader (Tales Of Arcadia)🍋Where stories live. Discover now