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I slept away the night. My alarm clock was the sound of birds chirping. I felt a weight resting on my stomach. My eyes fluttered open looking at the hand gripping me. Douxies fingers twitched ever so slightly. His breath was calm and steady from behind me.

He began to move his hand closer to my chest. He groped me through the blanket thinking I was still asleep. My cheeks reddened at the gesture almost causing me to say something. But I decided to let it play out a bit longer.

His face moved closer to me as he began to place gentle kisses on the back of my neck. He relaxed his body and hand once again electing to pull me closer to him to cuddle. I flipped my body to face him.

"Oh, you're awake... sorry if I disturbed you."

I gave him a grin placing a kiss on the tip of his nose.

"You didnt, if anything you made today worth getting up for." I began to sit up tucking my hair behind my ears and stretched my arms out. The chilly morning air made me want to slink back underneath the blankets and never get up.

I glanced and Douxie and decided a few more minutes couldn't hurt. I leaned my self back down placing my head onto his chest. Closing my eyes and relaxing into him I heard his heart beat grow to become faster and faster.

His hand started moving down my back to my ass. He pulled it closer towards him and nudged my head so he could turn to face me.

"Last night was fun, I think it should become a daily routine."

I blushed and buried my head beneath the blankets. He put his under too and used his free hand to lift my chin. His lips pushed into mine making me giggle.

"Thats a wonderful suggestion but last nights events have left me sore." I smirked giving him another peck on the lips. "Maybe later. Okay?"

"Take your time love. I can wait."

A few more minutes of cuddling and I passed out. When I woke back up I heard the sizzling of butter on a heated pan. I lifted my head to see Douxie attempting to cook something. I began to stand up wrapping the blanket around my shoulders and walked towards the smell of breakfast.

"Good to see you up. Want some hashbrows?"

The pan he was using was almost overflowing with golden brown potatoes.

"Yes... gimme."

"As you wish."

He scooped some onto a plate and handed it to me.

"Theres also some blue berries and strawberries over there if you want some."

He gestured behind him to a peice of fabric piled with fresh fruit.

I grabbed a handful and put them on my plate, and decided to sit and lean against Douxie.

"For what you have to work with your a really good chef."

"Oh thanks I just followed a old recipe."

He grabbed an additional plate and heaped some food onto it for him.

"I think we also have some jerky in the bag over there if you want some."

I smiled and continued eating breakfast. Knowing that the jerky would not taste nearly as good.

Once we finished eating we still had plenty of time before we were leaving. I decided to go back to the stream and clean off more than what I did last night.

The cold water hit me like a truck. Once I was deep enough it felt cool and refreshing. I lounged on my back floating around washing the dirt and sweat off my body.

I stood back up letting the water trickle down my face and back into the stream. My hair floated around me shifting in the water to form peculiar shapes. The snapping of a twig on the ground alerted me someone was coming.

I swam to the other side of the stream hiding myself behind a sizable rock looking towards where the sound came from.

Douxie walked out of the trees carrieing 2 towels. " Mind if I join you? I brought you a towel." His gentle smile was hard to refuse.

"Uh sure." I had never bathed with someone else before. My cheeks flushed when he looked at me and began taking off his clothes.

When he was finished he waded into the water and swam over to me. He smirked and splashed me in the face.

"Oh ho ho, you don't you what you just got yourself into pretty boy!" I raised my arms and started hitting the water into his direction.

We chased each other around splashing eachother until we grew tired. When we stopped he gave me a cute smile and drew me close.

"How are you feeling?" He asked stroking my hair.

"I'm feeling pretty fantastic."

"Fantastic enough for ..." He paused letting me think over what he was asking.

"Yes." I kissed him softly. "As long as you're gentle."

His smile radiated warmth as he kissed me harder and harder. His hands wandered all over my body and guided me towards the shore. When the water was shallow enough he found a rock to place to me on and began to palm my pussy.

His fingers entered me slowly letting me get used to the feeling before wiggling them and thustring them inside of me. I whimpered everytime he moved inside of me.

"Is this too much for you? Do we need to stop."

"No, just please keep going."

With that his fingers became faster making me shake and moan. He removed them and lined himself up to go inside.

"Are you ready love?"

"Mhm. Please I'm ready."

He entered me slowly but picked up the pace soon after. My body shook with pleasure. His thrusts continued for what felt like forever. My stomach filled with butterflies.

"I'm gonna cum, go faster please."

Douxie went harder and faster becoming more sloppy. My legs shook and I felt the release I'd been craving. He rested his head on my shoulder and pulled out. Cuming onto my stomach and thighs.

"Lets go get dried off." He pulled me off the rock and wrapped me up in a towel.

Douxie X Reader (Tales Of Arcadia)🍋Where stories live. Discover now