Just a story that I might make.

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Hey Chris can you hear me? I'M SORRY! It was supposed to be a prank but it went too far." "TOO FAR? YOU KILLED YOUR OWN BROTHER!" "Chris if you can hear me? I'm sorry this had to happen on our birthday. You were just 6 and half and THEN BROTHER happened to you." "Chris if you can hear me then That's good but please don't leave us oh and remember Your Mother,Me,Michael And Elizabeth. Please don't forget your name." "Chris please Listen to me. You may not make it but we just want you to know that we will remember you just please remember us." Doctor 1: "YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE." Doctor 2: "WE NEED MORE DOCTORS!" Doctor 3: "WE'RE LOSING HIM!" Doctor 1: "Are you Mrs. and Mr. Afton?" Both: "Yes we are." Doctor 1: "I'm sorry for your loss." "NO!!!! My Baby Boy!!!" Twenty years Later."Hey, how are you?" "I'm good, you? *fake smile* "Yeah I'm fine." "Bryan, stop lying to me." "I told you I'm fine." * Sees His eyes are still sparkling.* "Hey Bryan I have a question for you," "And what may that be Helpy?" "Well I realized that no matter what your eyes always sparkle why is that?" *Takes off contacts.*"You have pretty eyes but why do you hide them?" "Because I don't really like them," "Why not?" Because they remind me of my past, and let's just say that I really don't want to remember it," "Oh, okay."~He's back~ which means I get to finish what I started~ *giggles like a little kid.*"What the," "Bryan, are you okay?" "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE KELLY!" *stops giggling.* "COME ON OUT I KNOW YOU'RE HERE.""Oh well, I guess you found me." * eyes turn white. GET OUT BEFORE I BREAK YOU. Would you do that to your own sister? SISTER?! KELLY YOU'RE NOT MY SISTER! Bry Bryan who is she? SHE WAS MY BULLY! HAHAHAHA~ SHUT UP!* Dismantles her to pieces where there is nothing left of her. *goes back to normal. Bryan what was that? You don't want to know. Meanwhile with the others. Did you hear that? Ballora what was that sound? I don't know. It came from where Bryan was. Wait Bryan. Nedd Bear I'm pretty sure Bryan's safe. Yeah what Orville Said. Back with Bryan/Chris and Helpy. Bry Bryan. K Kelly was the only person who DIDN'T Hated me. I HATE YOU ! *cries W why d did it have to be you . Bry Bryan are you okay? Please leave me alone helpy. Okay. *leaves. Oh kelly what have I done. *Chris comes out. *Golden Freddy comes. *Vile comes out. *Angel comes out. *Devin comes out.*Brianna comes out.*Violet comes out.*Shade comes out.  All: are you okay? I'm fine. All no you're not. Please just leave me alone. Bryan I want you to know that we are here for you. Thanks Devin that means a lot coming from you.Bryan if you want we can help you put her back together. Goldy.... I guess you can. Well then I'll be back. Bryan.... Is she going to be Okay? I don't know buddy.... I don't know. Okay I'm back. *puts Kelly back together but as an animatronic that feels like and acts like a human. Thank you for helping me. Anything for you. I can't believe that we just did the exact same thing you did to me. Goldy,Chris,Violet,Shade and Brianna you have come back now. All: Okay.*Helpy comes back. Hey Bryan.... What I thought I saw you dismantle her. Um Helpy you must have been seeing things. Oh okay. The others come in to see Kelly on the floor. All: What happened? She fell and I'm trying to wake her up so can you guys give me some space. All: Okay.*all of them leave. Hey kelly get up. Kelly exe on. Why did you help me? *Golden freddy comes out. Actually I helped you. Who are you and how did you help? His name is Golden Freddy but I call him Goldy and he did the exact same thing he did to you that he did to me. What do you mean? Well I'm not human I may look and feel like a human but I'm not. I'm an Animatronic that feels, acts and looks like a human. Wait What so you mean that it killed you. Yes and I recommend that you be quite no one knows especially not my father or Molten Freddy.W wait your family doesn't know that you're alive? Nope and I hope to keep it that way. Bryan you need to tell them before you know what will tell them.Nightmare and Goldy promised me that they wouldn't tell anyone about my past. HeY BrYaN.What Molten Freddy? WhO Is ShE? She is my Friend named Kelly. Wait KELLY?! Afton?! *in mind. Oh No.How are you still alive?Don't ask me how am I supposed to know. Oh Bryan~oh no anyone but you. Hm WhO ArE YoU TaLkInG To? N nightmare. N nightmare. Nightmare? Who the heck is Nightmare? Oh Bryan don't you know it's that time. NO I WON'T LET YOU KILL THEM! Kill? Bryan, who are you talking to? Bryan you're scaring me. GOLDY. *Golden Freddy comes out.Yes Bryan. Nightmare's here and he's trying to kill the others. OH NO HE WON'T! *sees Golden freddy. Oh no I'm dead as a golden bunny. OH NIGHTMARE COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE~. Okay I give up I won't kill them just please don't kill me. Hm Bryan what do think should happen to Nightmare?Hm I think save him. Okay. Thank you Golden Freddy. It's fine. *Chris comes out. Hey buddy.Hey Bryan. Do you mind turning visible for me? *Turns Visible. Thanks buddy. You're welcome feature me.Um Buddy Molten Freddy Still here.Oh well that sucks to be us.Yes, yes it does.Brianna comes out* What's up everybody. Both Chris and Bryan: SHUT UP BRIANNA. Okay sorry. *Violet comes out. Hello everyone. Oh hey Violet. Well hello there buddy.*Devin comes out. HELLO EVERYBODY! Hey Devin.Hey Golden Freddy. M Mom is that CHRIS?! Oh no.....Everyone go inside of me NOW!*Angel Goes back inside.*Brianna goes back inside.*Violet goes back inside.*Devin goes back inside.*Golden Freddy goes back inside.*Chris goes back in.*Vile goes back inside.*Shade goes back inside. H hey guys.All: YOU'RE CHRIS?! No comment. Wait is this why you never tell us your past?! Not Telling you. Are you my baby boy? NOT TELLING YOU GUYS ANYTHING AND IF I DID YOU WOULD CALL ME A MISTAKE JUST LIKE MY ADOPTED FATHER! * In Bryan's mind. (which Chris is talking) Bryan please just show them your eyes then you don't have to tell them.*Takes off his contacts. All except Helpy:YOU ARE CHRIS! Yes now please leave me alone.*In Rockstar Foxy's Mind. I like Afton's youngest son. Chris?Leave me alone Dad.What have I done?You Betrayed your whole entire family, that's what you did.William what you did was selfish.I just wanted you to have your friends with you.YOU MURDERED MY FRIENDS WHEN THEY WERE JUST CHILDREN!You did that? Why would you do that.It wasn't me.What do you mean by that? I mean I didn't kill you.THEN WHO DID?Glitchtrap did.Who is Glitchtrap?*In Bryan's mind. (Golden Freddy is telling him.) Glitchtrap is an Animatronic that can control you with his eyes. Once you look in his eyes he can control you.*still in his mind. How do I know when he's controlling them? Well how you can tell is if their eyes are purple then that means that he's controlling them. Wait guys were his eyes purple when he killed you?Yes why?He's telling the truth. All except for Ballora,Circus Baby,Bryan,Springtrap,Molten Freddy: WHAT.Well I found out who he is and I'm afraid that he sounds exactly like my adopted father.WHAT?*Golden Freddy comes out.*Shade comes out.*Devin comes out.*Vile comes out.*Angel comes out.*Brianna comes out.*Violet comes out.*Chris comes out. Bryan why are your forms out?They are going to answer Springtrap's question.Well you see um Glitchtrap is Bryan's Adopted Father.And he really hates Bryan for some reason.And anytime we try to help Bryan he controls us and tells us to back into him.Last time we tried to help Bryan he sent Vanny after us but little did he know that Vanny isn't his puppet anymore neither are we.I Hate Him because Everytime we try to talk to Bryan while he's with him,he always shocks us with a shock control.But he only does it to Angel,Brianna,Chris and Shade.He doesn't let them talk to him only Me,Devin and Golden Freddy.I'm afraid if we go back to him that we will suffer more than I did when I was alive. HE DID WHAT TO YOU?!Don't Worry  brother we will kill him.I rip off his Arms.DID YOU SAY GLICHTRAP?!M Mike? Hello little brother. Wait Foxy why would you help us you hate My family?Um actually I only hate Glitchtrap.*In Circus Baby's mind. Somebody has a crush on my brother.(I forgot to tell you that Bryan can read minds and has magic.)*Bryan's mind. Oh so he has a crush on Mike. Hey Bryan are you okay?Hm oh yeah.Bryan I'm sister I know when you lie so tell me the truth.Well I'll tell you but I need you to come with me.Okay.When they leave.Okay now how do we kill Glitchtrap. Meanwhile with Circus Baby.Well you see that I have a crush on somebody and I can read minds and I found out that they don't like me like that way.You can read minds?!Yes I can.Who's mind did you read? Y yours.....Wait  what?!I'm sorry.Can you read dad's mind please. Of course.Yay also before you do.Can please tell me who you like.Well I like Rockstar please don't judge me.* wait he likes Rockstar Foxy and Rockstar Foxy likes him I think wait He can read my mind. Don't worry I wasn't reading your mind however I did read Dad's.And what was he thinking?Well he was thinking of Us.Wait really?!Yeah he was.Meanwhile with the others and when Circus Baby and Bryan came back.So what do we do and what do you want us to glitchtrap? Well while Angel, Brianna,Chris,Devin,Me,Shade,Vile And Violet go back inside of Bryan,He's going to be here so you guys can go behind him and kill him.Okay I got it. Good now go hide and everybody get back inside of Bryan.*Golden Freddy goes back into Bryan.*Devin goes back into Bryan.Brianna goes back into Bryan.*Shade goes back into Bryan.*Angel goes back into Bryan.*Violet goes back into Bryan.*Vile goes back into Bryan.*Chris goes back into Bryan.Bryan~ where are you BRAT~I'm right here.There you are~.Btw Bryan can read minds and talk in people's mind and so can Angel, Brianna,Chris,Devin,Golden Freddy,Shade,Vile and Violet.*In Bryan's Mind (which Golden freddy is talking to Springtrap and all of them.) NOW!*Goes behind Glitchtrap and dismantles him to pieces. That's for hurting him.*realizes that he's not there.*Goes up behind him before Glitchtrap could hurt Springtrap and Dismantles him. Thank you Foxy.You're welcome Bryan.*whispers. Foxy you can date my son but if you hurt him I will hurt you do you understand.yes I do.  Okay so that'that's what I've been working on hope you liked it.

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