Chapter 56 - studio

Start from the beginning

Me and Reece were like basically spooning on the chair but I was comfy and so was he. Every now and then he would kiss my lips. I love how Reece does that to me, his kisses honestly make me Melt every time.

"When are you going to go in and do your solo bit?" I asked Reece cause the boys were recording their first ever song

"They're probably leave me till the end because of how we're siting and well I'm pretty comfy" he kisses forehead

"Your really lovey today, not that I'm complaining" I look into his eyes

"It's because when we broke up honestly I didn't show it but it felt like half of me was gone and well that we are back together, I don't ever wanna loose you again Autumn you are the love of my life" Reece says and no joke I was in tears

"Reece your making me cry" I say and put my face into his chest

"Babe I didn't mean to make you cry"

"They're happy tears I want to spend the rest of my life with you to" I looking up as my face was in his chest

"I love you" Reece whisper centre meters away from my lips before latching them to mine

I had to pull away from the kiss other wise it would get too heated and well us being in the studio it's not a great thing.

"Why did you pull away for?" Reece pouts

"Because Reece were at the studio and well it was getting heated" I laugh

"So what nobody watching us" he says

"Still Reece we can't cause they will notice" I say and look at the boys who were chatting away on the sofa

"Well why don't we say we're going to the cafe to get something to eat but actually go to the other room across the hall" Reece smirks

"Your so naughty but okay then" I smirks and Reece tells the boys where we're going and they all said okay.

Reece took my hand and we headed down the hall to the small room and Reece opened the door and we walked in.

"Can we finish our kiss now?" He asks me

"Yes" I say and put my lips on to his. Reece's lips are so soft and make me go into wonderland. As usual with us the kiss became heated and Reece started to kiss my neck. I knew where this was going and I wanted to go there but the thing is we're at the studio well we have no protection.

"Reece babe, we need to stop" I half said / moaned

"Why babe?" Reece mumbled against my neck

"Because we're at the studio and you know" I say and he pulls away

"Sorry Autu I got carried away its just your so beautiful I can't keep my hand off you" he kissed my cheek

We both go into the toilet to sort our hairs out a little and in my case my makeup too even though I had hardly nothin on.

When we walked back in all the boys were looking at us. What why?

"You to didn't go to the cafe cause James went down and said you weren't there" Tom looks at me

"We decided to go to Starbucks down the road" I say off the top of my head

"Well that's not what James saw through the door down there" Tom says questioning me and Reece he's so protective over me

"Okay we were just making out that's it" I say

"Oh really that's not what James heard" Toms says

"Tom does it really matter we didn't have sex if that's were you're hinting at" I saying getting pissed off with him and Reece never helps me out in situations like this

"Reece?" Tom says

"I promise you mate we didn't I wouldn't do that with your sister here I have respect for her mate" Reece says

"you were doing something I know that" James says

"I maybe have kissed her neck that's it" Reece blushes

"That explains it then" James laughs

"Guys, can we drop this now" I cringe

After the day off studio and rehearsals at the Venue the boys were performing at we went back to the apartments and had pizza. The boys couldn't wait for the show tomorrow and well I couldn't either.

We met some fans last night and a lot of them asked for photos with me they were so cute.

All the boys girlfriends are coming to the show tomorrow it's gonna be fun I can't wait and oh yeah about my song in the studio it's going on my YouTube channel I have and the boys are gonna tell they're fans to listen to it. I'm scared to what they think


Sorry I didn't update FRIDAY and yesterday but I had to get ready for the boys show and then Saturday I was in the line from 9:30 till 6:15 it was cold but I got to kinda see the boys like I was cm away from them but I couldn't actually get a selfie which pisses me off. However I did get a selfie with Casey's brother chet and well I fucking love him so I was happy :) x it's the photo up the top

Sorry about me rambling on if you wanna hear my full experience just @ me or DM here or Twitter

@libbymariee2 - twitter

@libbylovesstereokicks - Instagram

Please vote and comment and tell me what you thought about the song honestly please

Libby x

We're meant to be (Reece bibby/ stereo kicks)Where stories live. Discover now