Shopping (chapter 8)

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The picture is random. There being there so why not.
Today me and Lauren were going shopping on Oxford street hopefully no one notices her that much cause other wise we wouldn't be able to do any shopping.

The sound of birds tweeting wakes me up, the inside of my eyelids are bright pink. I slowly open my eyes, welcoming the sun light coming through my window. I look over at my phone, 8:30am, shit I should take a shower I have to meet Lauren at 10. I dragged myself out of bed and towards the bathroom. I don't even know how I'm keeping my eyes open, I'm so tired. I grabbed the towel from the side and pushed the door open then getting in to the shower.

After I was all showered up, it was now 9am which meant I had half an hour to get ready so I could leave and get there in time. Today I decided to wear a lace white top with some light wash jeans, white heels and my grey and white Michael kros bag which I also paired with some grey and sliver studs. For my hair, I clipped back the front bit and had the rest down. My makeup was pretty simple foundation,mascara,white and brown eyeshadow with winged out eyeliner then just some light nude lips.

Before I went, I wrote a note for my mum as she was still sleeping and I didn't want to wake her.

I've gone shopping with Lauren I will most probably meet you at the studio tonight
Autumn x

Then I walked out of the hotel room and outside to the station were I would could catch the tube to Oxford street. As Wembley Park is the nearest tube station I got on the metropolitan line to Baker Street then change to the bakerloo line to Oxford Circus. Once I got to Oxford street I crossed the road so I was now standing outside Topshop waiting for Lauren to turn up. She didn't take long I was like standing there for about 5 minutes when I saw her walk over to me with the one and only you're guessed it, Reece.

'Hiya,you okay' I asked her

'Yeah,I'm good' she replied

'Hello,how are you beautiful' Reece asked me as we walked into to Topshop we might as well start here as we were outside

'Hi, didn't think this was your thing shopping with girls' I said smiling at him which he just grinned

'Well, I couldn't let Lauren go by her self and besides I wanted to see you' he said which made me smile

'You two are way to cute, but reece I need my shopping partner' Lauren said and dragged me away from Reece and around the shop. We were so bad together shopping we would incurious each other to buy things. Reece like just followed behind us most of the time and holding our things while we went to try things on. I think he regrets coming now. We ended up with about 30 bags each and Reece had about 5 as we didn't let him go into a couple of shops he wanted. It was now 4 which meant we had to get to the Studios.

So me, Lauren and Reece got on the bakerloo line to Baker Street the metropolitan line to Wembley Park where we got off and walked into the studio with all our bags.

We put our suff in Cherl's dressing room to keep them safe. Lauren had to get her make up done first so I just sat with Reece and the other boys in Louis dressing room were they were practicing there save me song just in case they were in the bottom two again but I knew they weren't going to be because they were amazing last night and the fans were voting like crazy as to Twitter.

'Boys the shows gonna start now' louis said as they all got up and I followed them

'I'm so scared,If we don't get through tonight we're not going to be on the tour' Reece said

'You will get through I know it' I said to him I had a feeling they were safe

'I'm believing you' he said as he hugged me and I also walked up to Tom.

'Hey, good luck' I said to him

'Thanks, mum needs to talk to you about something she with Sarah Jane in Simons dressing room I think' he said. What did mum want to ask me? What if it's about her being ill? What if it was about Reece ? Or what if it was about me going shopping today?

'Okay, I'll go now, good luck' I said and walked of to find Simons dressing room

What do you think Autumns mums going to ask her?

Thank you so much for reading this and voting keep on voting guys it means a lot. And guess what my english grade is predicted to be a D and I'm on a C and could get a B at the end of the year :) you probably not care but I thought I might share it with you.

Does anyone actually read authors notes ?

Libby x

We're meant to be (Reece bibby/ stereo kicks)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora