How It All Started

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"Janus, Zane asked me to go and keep an eye on his brother, Garroth. As you understand, I'll be away for a few days. Please take care of everything here in the Jury along with Zane, alright?"

Katelyn said and placed her hand on Janus' shoulder.

"I understand, Katelyn. Just don't let your guard down. You don't know what they're capable of doing if they notice your real intentions. You have an amazing power, but it's better if you hold back a lil.
I'll be working with Lillian for a few days as well."

Janus' light-colored eyes met Katelyn's.
He always believed in her. Whenever she fights, Janus is right next to her. Always admiring her.

"Hmm... I'm sorry for asking but, is something going on with Lillian? I noticed you spend a lot more time than usual with her. Do you... Like her or something?"

Katelyn has a past with Lillian. However, she never allowed that to ruin her job. Both Lillian and Katelyn were avoiding each other ever since. Even if Janus' answer was positive, she wouldn't cut him off. She'd respect his choice and support him.

"Me and Lillian? No, no. Zane's orders.
I don't know. But recently, he's acting somehow different. He's wayy too closed to himself. Yesterday I tried speaking with him about it but I didn't receive any answer. Only orders. Something's bothering him. Definitely. "

Janus was Zane's most trusted knight. He knows everything about him. Zane would open up to Janus about every single thing. Not this time, though. That's when Janus knew things were serious.

"Could be because of Garroth? You know... Garroth is his big brother. Zane isn't that heartless. Maybe he's worried? I have no idea. You know that I'm talking with Zane only about missions and nothing else.
Now if you excuse me, I have to go and find Garroth. Take care and DON'T let Lillian try anything reckless. "

Katelyn's words were clear. She hates it when people get in her way. Even more when it comes to Lillian.
Katelyn would always describe her as a Manipulative Monster. She respects the fact that she's in the Jury as well but she wants no contact.
And with that being said, Katelyn took some guards with her and started her travel to Garroth. She would say in the village that she's there because Zane asked her to. No war intentions. Everyone knew about Zane. Some respected him, some feared him. He was respected due to his Title as High Priest. But feared in general, because of his hobby killing off innocent people. He kills because he's enjoying it. Only power and hatred exist for him.

While traveling, Katelyn was thinking about her conversation with Janus. It's indeed true that Zane was acting kind of strange. It's not like Katelyn believed Zane is emotionless, but she never saw him expressing feelings either. And the fact that he doesn't even talk to Janus makes it even more suspicious.
After some time, she decided to talk with Zane. Maybe she could figure out what is going on. She was always able to understand how other people feel.
For a reason, she felt that Lillian was up to something. That's why she warned Janus before she leaves.
She took a deep breath. She knew she had a mission. To bring Garroth to Zane. And that's what she had to do.

"Garroth Ro'meave... Let's see what you have there. "

Wrong Timing (Zane X Katelyn)Where stories live. Discover now