But there was none. Sirius simply nodded in recognition at the Slytherin, who returned it, before walking past them and out of the shop with Peter trailing behind.

Elise blinked, staring at the spot where Sirius was, then up at Severus.

Seeing her bewildered expression, he shrugged at her, seeming just as surprised.

She went on to pay for her items and they left the joke shop, walking down the path a little farther into town to reach their next destination.

Severus held the door open for her and she smiled up at him before walking into The Three Broomsticks. They sat at a little table in the corner and each ordered hot chocolate.

Elise pulled her beanie off of her head and plopped it on the table. Severus snorted, trying and failing to not laugh at her messed up hat-hair.

"Git," she mumbled as she tried to smooth out her hair, a small smile playing on her lips. Severus stuck his tongue out at her like she'd always done to him.

Their drinks were set on their table by the waiter and Elise gratefully sipped the warm liquid, feeling as if frost was melting from her bones.

"I've heard rumors about a dance happening soon," Severus said.

Elise nearly choked on her drink. "A dance? What the bloody Hell for?"

"I don't know, most likely for Valentine's Day."

The girl rolled her eyes before placing a heart on her chest, sighing very dramatically and batting her eyelashes. "Oh, a dance," she said in an overly dreamy and high tone. "I wonder what cute boys will ask me!"

Severus burst into laughter and Elise followed suit. The other students around them looked wide-eyed at them. Probably haven't seen him laugh before, Elise thought.

After a moment of comfortable silence while drinking their hot chocolates, Severus seemed to break out of a thoughtful reverie as he spoke up suddenly.

"You know, they've left me alone," he said quietly, looking at Elise. "Potter, Black, and Pettigrew, I mean."

Elise half-smiled at him. "Good."

"Ever since what you did a couple months ago, they haven't even looked in my direction," he reached across the table and brushed his fingers against hers, which were wrapped around her mug. "I just wanted to thank you. Even... Lily... couldn't convince them to leave me be."

He seemed to struggle on saying her name, clearing his throat a little. Elise wrapped her small hand around his large one, giving it a comforting squeeze.

"I think she helped, too," she said softly. "I doubt it was all just me."

Severus gave her a tiny smile and nodded. Their hands detached and retreated to their original places.

Elise took a drink then nodded once to him. "Besides, the Slytherins have left me alone, too, ever since you did what you did." She grinned.

His cheeks tinted red, but only slightly. He waved it off, saying, "I wouldn't have done it in a million years if you hadn't first." He admitted.

She laughed and nodded. "Oh, I know," she said. "I mean we have been going to school together for five years and nothing ever happened 'til this year."

Severus shrugged and nodded. Suddenly, she looked at him with a frown.

"I... I'm sorry I didn't do anything to try and stop James and Sirius from picking on you sooner," she nearly whispered. "I mean, I always told them they shouldn't. But I should have tried harder - "

sister of the wolf | s. snapeWhere stories live. Discover now