"Thinking about Barry, I know," sighing Kara nod

"Look, I know you don't want to talk with me a lot, but Barry is thinking about you too, and he is really preoccupied about you, just like you're with him. And if you win this fight you will help Barry like he did all day. Just concentrate on doing this for National City, and for him," Lena said, she nodded in agreement.

"Let's end this once and for all," Kara said slightly smiling

"Like I said before Kelly opened the back door into the festival. It should help protect you from the kill switch," she said now giving her the VR

"Hopefully we can get everyone out before Lex and Gemma hit it," Kara said grabbing the VR

"Like I said before... You will," Kara took a deep breath, "Let's do this," she said starting the VR.

Inside Obsidian

Opening her eyes Kara starts to see the earth below her and the billion people surrounding the earth, amazed by what she is seeing she talks to Lena "Wow... This-this is amazing. I've never seen anything like this. No wonder why many people signed up."

Kara looking at all the people takes some deep breaths before talking to the people. "Everyone listen to me. There is something wrong with the program. You need to end the simulation now." Then an old lady who was in the number of people confused asks.

"What are you talking about?"

"There is no one in here but my late husband. It's so good to hear his voice." she continued looking at all the world, not knowing that Supergirl was in front of her. Then she walks to the kid beside her.

"Hey. Hey, kid. Kid, can you hear me? You need to disengage from the program" she calmly says, the kid looking straight not watching Supergirl starts to say.

"Leave me alone. My mom is back. I missed her," Understanding what she was fighting she sighs.

"It's... It's not working. There are too many people, they feel contented with their loved ones. It's spiritual. I have no idea how to break through to them," She said to Lena.

"I think I can give you a way to talk to everyone at once," Lena said, seconds later she now says "Try now," Suddenly on the VR everyone had one of Kara in front of her.

"I need you all to listen to me. You're in danger."

Outside Obsidian, Luthor-Corp

Lena was typing, checking if the people were finally getting out of the program, when she heard some steps from the back of her, looking back she saw Andrea with a blade made out of Kryptonite.

"Andrea. The medallion. You've been activated," Lena said protecting her defenseless friend

"If I don't kill Supergirl, they'll kill my father," Andrea said, suddenly they start to hear the voice of Barry in the background

"Hey, Lena, is Kara okay? Can you open a breach so I can go to Luthor-Corp?" Barry said through the comms from STAR Labs

"Flash, right now we're busy with some... problems," she answered, still looking at Andrea.

"What? You need help? I can speed there," he said

"No, it's fine. Please, stay there, if Kara needs you I will send you a message," she said, but they knew she would open it soon.

"Okay, when you're done please tell me," Lena then turned off the comm.

"I know it can be addictive, to live in a perfect place where nothing hurts. But that's not reality," Kara started saying to the people that are inside Obsidian.

"Killing for them... Going down this path, it won't keep him safe," Lena said to Andrea, who now mad she rises the blade

"How do you know?" Andrea asks

"Because I've been down it before," Lena continued

"We all get hurt. But it's only by going through that pain that we're able to appreciate the good. Pain is what helps us grow. Without it, we'd never be able to... To evolve, to overcome. To forgive," Kara said thinking of what Nash and Barry said to her about Lena, and how she needs to forgive not just Lena... but herself.

"I have done terrible things to protect myself and the people I love. But it has never kept me safe from pain. It's just brought me a new kind of misery. And I moved further and further away from the person I was, until one day I woke up and I was utterly alone," Lena said slowly walking in front of Andrea, who never puts down the knife.

"Each of us came here because we are afraid. I'm afraid of getting hurt, just like you. And I do everything I can to escape the pain, just like you. But the cost of escape is too great," Kara continued, and some people started to think about the words she was saying.

"Years ago... We made a promise to each other. You jump, I jump. If you choose to go down this path... I will be there," Both of them walked, making the blade barley touch Lena's neck.

"If you want to get to Supergirl, you're gonna have to go through me," she continued, making Andrea think if stabbing her friend to get to Supergirl was a good idea.

"We have to wake up now. We need to end the simulation once and for all." Kara said

"I believe in you," Kara and Lena said at the same time. And everyone inside Obsidian started to end the simulation

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay," Lena said when Andrea started to cry, Lena started to hug her friend and grabbed the blade.

Superflash: Destiny Where stories live. Discover now