Killer Confession

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Taehyung has a secret.

No, he isn't related to Lee Minho nor is he secretly a genius (although, both would be equally as cool and beneficial.)

Both his parents are hitmen.

( yep, both of them.)

It effects his life a lot if he's honest, but he still gets to do normal stuff for the most part.

One of the only things is that while his classmates get to honestly answer what their parents professions are when teachers ask, he has to lie or silently pray they don't ask him to.

It might be a good time to mention that bring your parent to school day was pretty disappointing as a kid. He tried not to mind much though.

Also, he may or may have not cried for 45 minutes straight when the two of them told him last minute that they wouldn't be able to make it home for his birthday (Spoiler alert: that became an annual thing.)

At a young age, Taehyung just had to deal with being disappointed, alone most of the time, and learned that he should never get close to anyone.

That is until he met a certain raven haired boy, body covered in an abundance of tattoos and a rather cold facial expression.

He looked just like all the people Taehyung grew up knowing, most of them mean and dangerous, but that fact somehow drew him closer, maybe because it was what was familiar to him.

However, Jeongukk turned out to be quite the opposite. He was everything good and bright in the world, everything that he grew up without.

And suddenly he wasn't so drawn to the fact he was familiar, but more to the fact that he wasn't. He was drawn to the fact that he was kind, funny, and treated Taehyung like he was the most precious thing in the world.

With Jeongukk, he was never disappointed or lonely.

And for once, he wanted to break that rule he made for himself: never get close to anyone.

It was almost forgotten. The memory was pushed far to the back of his head, too clouded with the thoughts of Jeongukk this, Jeongukk that.

But then one day, three words were spoken to him.

"I love you." Jeongukk whispered, almost as if he were afraid Taehyung would reject him. As if Taehyung were even capable of doing that, he was far too gone for him.

However, the small smile the boy gave is what kept him going. "I love you, Taehyung. I love you so much."

Taehyung blushed, looking down at his hands. "Really?" He doesn't think he's ever heard that from anyone, at least for a while.

"Yeah, I really do. Everything about you, actually."

The boy watched as he nervously scratched his head. "Sorry if it feels random, I just had to say it—you just look so beautiful right now—I mean, you always do, but I just felt this sudden wave of emotion and I just needed to—

Taehyung placed a hand on his shoulder, quickly leaning up to capture his lips in his.

Jeongukk placed both hands around his waist slowly, kissing him back in a way he hoped would reflect his feelings.

When they pulled away, Taehyung's red cheeks were still pretty apparent. "I love you too, Jeongukkie."

"I love everything about you too."

Taehyung remembered the way Jeongukk looked at him that day.

"Oh." He smiled. "That's..that's cool."

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