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"KIM taehyung, can you please stay here after class? It's important."

Taehyung nodded. The students one by one led the classroom.

"S-So, what do you need?"

The literature teacher looked at taehyung and then spoke.

"So, there is a new boy in school. I thought it would be nice if someone gave him a tour of the school."

Taehyung gulped. He didn't want to give the new student a tour at all.

He just wanted to eat his lunch with jimin in peace.

"I decided to let you give him the tour. You're the nicest, most polite student I've ever seen," she smiled.

Taehyung could feel his beat super fast. Almost as if it was gonna pop out of his chest.



Taehyung stood outside of the literature classroom in front of the new boy.

"Hi! You must be my tour guide. You can call me hobi!"

Taehyung nodded. He wanted this to be done already.

"O-Okay...uhm...we'll start downstairs."

Taehyung held his classroom pass and gestured the new student to follow him.


Taehyung actually found some comfort in hobi.

Even though taehyung was still uncomfortable and shy with him, he saw that hobi would make a great friend.

"Okay, um, this is the roof."

Taehyung showed hobi the roof. What he didn't expect to see was jungkook.

Taehyung's face turned red seeing him. Taehyung took a few steps back.


Jungkook smiled and ran towards him.

"J-Jungkook! Hi!"

Keep calm, taehyung, keep calm. You'll be fine.

"Who's he?"

The raven-headed male looked at hobi.

"T-This is hobi. The new student..."

Jungkook nodded his head.

"Hiiii! I'm hobi!!! Nice to meet ya!!"

Hobi smiled and jungkook and jungkook smiled back.

"I'm jungkook."

Taehyung could hear a hint of bitterness his the raven-head's voice.

...He sounds kinda sour...does he not like hobi? I think hobi is very nice...

"Well, I think me and taehyung should be off. He's giving me an exclusive tour."

Taehyung smiled at hobi. He said one last goodbye to jungkook and gestured hobi to follow him.

He failed to see the raven-head's bitter glare at hobi.


Now that they were inside, the tour was almost over.

There were just a few more rooms that taehyung has to show and that concludes.


Taehyung looked at hobi curiously.


"Do you like him?"

Taehyung nearly choked at the sudden question.

"W-What makes you say that?"

"Well, it's obvious how your face turned red and you stuttered in front of him."

Taehyung sighed and looked down.

"Yes, I do."

Hobi smiled at taehyung and clapped his hands, excitedly.

"That's great! I'm taking you haven't confessed yet?"

Taehyung shook his head.

"Great, I'm gonna help you achieve that! It's the least I can do since you gave me a tour."

Taehyung looked at hobi and smiled, but that disappeared.

"How are you gonna do that?"

"Well, make him jealous!"

Taehyung looked at the orange-haired male, confused.


"Simple, I get really touchy and close to you and he sees and gets angry and confesses."

Taehyung thought about it.

But I don't even know if jungkook's gay...how is that gonna work?

"U-Uhm...I'll try..."


Taehyung drank his milk as jimin and hobi were walking in front of him.

Jimin was visiting taehyung's house.

Hobi and jimin became friends and now they were talking about whatever.

Taehyung couldn't hear them as he was walking in front of the two males.

**jimin and hobi's conversation**

"So...that's the plan?"

"Right. We make sure you and taehyung are close together and make sure jungkook sees."

Hobi nodded his head.

"But we don't even know if jungkook's gay."

"Well, I guess we'll find out."

Jimin nodded his head, listening to hobi.

"If jungkook gets jealous then he'll get angry, therefore, confessing to taehyung."

"But how will we get jungkook's attention," Jimin asked.

"You know, sit close to him."

Jimin looked at hobi, hesitantly.

He wanted taehyung and jungkook to be together, but he was concerned if jungkook really thought of tae as just a friend.

End of chapter 9 🧂

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