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"Will you marry me?"

Emily looks around at everyone, who waits for her answer.

"Hotch you know I love you but..."

Hotch frowns and begins to stand up.

"I also want to spend the rest of my life with you too. Yes, I'll marry you!"

He looks up happily and gives Emily a kiss. She kisses back and rose petals are thrown at them.

Emily wipes her tears as Hotch puts the engagement ring on her ring finger. They kiss, everyone shouts in joy.

"Ahh, congrats!" JJ and Will say.

Derek teases her. "Hello Mrs. Hotchner."

Emily laughs and Hotch puts his arm around Emily's waist. Everyone else congratulates them.

Athena reaches for Hotch and he picks her up. "Mommy and Daddy!"

They hug her and Jack joins them. Emily notices and squats down to get to his level. "Jack, I don't want to replace your mommy but do you mind if I can be your second mom?"

He nods happily and hugs them again.

"When and how did you guys plan this?"

"You don't need to know. You're an engaged woman now!" Penelope exclaims. "Congrats beautiful!"

Emily gives Garcia a big hug. "Shall we do the next phase?"

"There's more?" Emily asks.

Penelope motions for the photographer to take pictures. "You and Hotch, then the kids, and then we'll do individuals and groups!"

For the next hour, Emily and Hotch take pictures with everyone. "Okay why is there so many pictures?"

"Garcia wants a book of our engagement and wedding..." Hotch mumbles, while smiling into the camera.

"Good to know," Emily says.

They take pictures of the ring and them two. Soon everyone join in for one last picture.

Penelope thanks the photographer. "Off to dinner!"

"But who's cleaning this up?"

Rossi walks in front of them, as they walk to their cars. "Don't worry, I have contacts."

Emily and Hotch smile while getting into the car. Athena and Jack are in Derek's car, with Elle. On the drive to their next destination, Hotch holds Emily's left hand. "Wow, I'm glad I put a ring on it. It looks so good."

He kisses it and Emily laughs. "You're just full of surprises Aaron Hotchner."

"Well you must not know me Emily Prentiss, soon to be maybe Hotchner-Prentiss, we'll figure it out," Hotch suggests.

Emily looks out the window to see Sydney's diner. "Really? I haven't been here in a while."

Hotch opens Emily's door for her. "Yes, it just makes sense. And I closed down the diner just for the family, but only a couple hours."

They walk in to see everyone sitting down. Emily assumes that Chris and Will also helped decorate the place. Red and white balloons with a banner saying "Congratulations!".

Great Loss (a hotchniss story)Where stories live. Discover now