First Day at Work

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So as you should have read in the Intro. I was once under the spell of the government. So I used to believe that they attacked us and they were all criminals. I used to hate them with everything I had. Though I was also a nice girl who wanted to give everyone a chance to explain before we threw the towel. I was also the smartest, strongest, and fastest student in my generation. I was considered a prodigy, so I got in the HCO easily.

"REALLY! I got in" I shouted jumping around

"Yes and you will be working under Detective Peterson. He needs your influence and you need his experiences. He is also our second best detective" The Woman said

"That is so awesome, so when can I start working" I asked excited

"Today and you may even get to work in the field today" The Woman said

"Cool" I said

"Detective Jones will show you around and tell you the rules. Make sure you remember every last one of them. Understood" The Women said

"Understood" I said

"Good, Then welcome to the HCO and I hope you meet my expectations"The Woman said and smiled

"Thank you and I hope I do as well" I said following detective Jones

I can't believe I actually got into HCO. This was my dream job since the accident. Mom, Dad it was hard but I finally got in. I will make sure to get my revenge.

"You are one unlucky kids" Detective Jones

"Huh, why" I asked confused

"Detective Peterson might be the best Detective, but he's not best person to partner with" Detective Jones said

"Why is that" I asked

"Well he has a terrible temper, he always believes us humans did the crime first, and his past partners were almost killed. So they all quite because he always puts them in danger" Detective Jones said

"Well then I hope to change that and make him the top best partner to be with" I said determined

"I'll cheer you on, kid. Hey actually we are having a get together tomorrow at the nearby bar. If you want to come just make sure to bring your ID card" Detective Jones said

"Thanks for the offer but I'm only 17, so I can't go to bars yet" I said declining his offer

"Well don't sweat. Maybe next time we can just go for a dinner party" Detective Jones suggested

"Ya, that's more my style" I laughed

He showed me around the office, cafeteria, gym, and other places. They were all pretty cool, but I probably wasn't going into one of the other places unless I was asked to. Honestly I really didn't care about all that fancy stuff. I was one of the kids that got to be a detective early in age and I was going to work with the second best detective. This is going to be so much fun putting guilty people in jail and saving the innocent. Also everyone is so nice and friendly to me.

"Alright kid, This is Detective Peterson's office and now it's also your's" Detective Jones said

"I get my own office" I asked surprised

"Well it's only because he doesn't like people. Well go on in and Good luck" Detective Jones said leaving

A whole level for one group. I ran over to my desk and started playing with the new weapons I need for my mission's in the future. Everything was like a typical office. The only thing that looked out of place was the desk that was a few feet away from mine. It kinda looked depressing and smelled like a whole lot of alcohol.

"Are you kidding me. Your going to make a kid look after me now" Someone yelled

I started putting everything back so they wouldn't know that I was playing around with everything.

"Come down maybe she is cute and might be the one" Someone else said

"That's all you ever think about. You know we aren't allowed to date our group members" A women said

"Shut up your only mad since your ugly" Guy #2 said

"Quit! Listen here I don't need another kid to take care of" Guy #1 said

"Well that's to bad since it's not your choose" The Women said

"...Um hello my name is Maggie Everhart" I said awkwardly

"..NO! Look at her" Guy #1 said

"Good luck Detective Peterson, don't try anything that will make her quite" The Women from before said

"Oh don't worry I will only do what I always do" Detective Peterson shouted before she left

"Well aren't you a cutey. My name is Doctor Lucas Young and I'm 19" Lucas said checking my out

"Cut it out" The Women said hitting Lucas "Hi I'm Doctor Mia Young, I'm also this one's twin"Mia said

"Hi" I said nervous

"You shouldn't mess with your new weapons as you please" Detective Peterson said passing by me

"I'm sorry" I said confused

"There are no cameras but the weapons give off a smell. So try not to play around and take things more seriously or you might die because you don't have enough. Honestly I don't need to babysit another child who is supposed to watch me" Detective Peterson said getting on his computer

"Well I have never used these kinds of weapons before. Isn't it better if I knew how to use them or what they are instead of just hoping it works out" I said

"Well aren't you on a high horse. Lets see what your really made of Princess" Detective Peterson said grabbing his coat

"Good luck" Lucas said

"Hope you don't die" Mia said passing me my coat

"Huh, did you say die" I said before the elevator closed

"Don't worry if you're as good as they say you are. You should be fine" Detective Peterson said

I was so nervous since I thought that he was going to kill me or something before I realized that we were in a different elevator. This elevator goes straight outside. Oh god please don't let this crazy man that smells like a lot of alcohol kill me.

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