Chapter 11: Don't let the bed bugs bite

Start from the beginning

"Bad dream?" Nico raised an eyebrow and guided the glass of water to her lips, she greedily guzzled it down, desperate to get rid of the feeling of the gems that were stuck in her throat during her dream. Hazel hummed to Nico and nodded her head as she finished drinking the water. Will raised a spoon full of ambrosia and cocked his head to the side asking her a silent question. Hazel shook her head, she wasn't injured or anything it was just a nightmare. The son of Apollo stood up from where he was sitting and took the bowl of Ambrosia with him just as he reached the door he paused mid-step and angled himself to look at Hazel.

"Have a long shower, Hazel, ideally with some lavender it will help you feel less anxious and calm you down. Everyone has already headed down to breakfast." She nodded at him and Will exited the room with a soft click, she was left alone in the room with her half-brother and boyfriend.

"I-it's not late is it?" She winced internally at the sound of her voice, it sounded a little sore.

"No, it's only half-past seven, so late for us but not the rest of the school." Hazel nodded as she slowly began to untangle herself from the bedsheets. "We'll wait outside for you." Frank and Nico left the room leaving Hazel to stare at herself in the mirror, her hair had gotten so messed up in her nightmare that it looked like a rat's nest! It would be a pain to tidy, at least her face looked better, sure she had dark circles and she definitely looked like she had been crying but there's nothing good shower could fix. She walked over to the dresser and picked up a detangler and began to brush at the stubborn curls. The daughter of Pluto hissed as she brushed through a particularly tough knot. Ten grueling minutes later her hair was at least more presentable but Hazel knew she didn't have time to fully brush her hair out, she'll just have to pull it into a ponytail. She speed-walked to the shower and had a quick five-minute power-shower.

"Hazel? You ready yet?" Frank's voice yelled through the door just as she walked back into their room.

"Five minutes!" She yelled back and scrambled to put on her uniform and pack her bag for the day, she looked in the mirror one last time and opened the door. "Let's go, I don't want to miss breakfast."

"Yeah, thank the gods one of the entrances to our dorm is near the Great Hall." Nico let out a happy sigh. They exited the dorm and walked the corridor for a couple more seconds till they reached the Great Hall, when they opened the doors a few heads turned around to see who it was but quickly went back to their own business when Nico glared at them, letting out a small pulse of his death aura. Hazel slapped his arm and gave him a small glower which he cracked a grin at.

The other demigods locked gazes with them, their eyes asking if she was okay, Hazel smiled, reaching her eyes for the first time in weeks, and subtly nodded her head. Nico guided the three of them over to the Slytherin table next to where Draco, Pansy, and Blaise were conversing. A few of the Slytherin's eyes Nico's and Frank's new house colours for a couple of seconds but seemed to shrug it off as they continued to eat their meals.

"Good morning." Hazel sat down and sent a big grin at the trio.

"Morning. You guys enjoying Hogwarts so far?" Blaise spoke through a bacon buttie.

"Yup, the teachers are good, and the food is great," Frank responded.

"That's good, it would really suck if you had to spend a year here and you hated it right off the bat." Pansy sipped from what Hazel assumed was a cup of English Breakfast Tea.

"You look a little pale Hazel, are you feeling well?" Draco frowned at her, placing his knife and fork on top of each other at the centre of his plate.

"N-no I'm fine I just didn't sleep all that well." Draco bent down slightly looking like he was trying to find something, he sat up straight again and took out a glass bottle that was filled with a blue liquid it had a label on it but her dyslexia prevented her from reading it.

"This is some Calming Draught, Uncle Sev often has to give some to the younger snakes in the first term because they get so nervous. Add two drops into your drink whenever you need to use it." He handed the bottle to her and went back to drinking his juice.

"I can keep it?" Draco nodded at her, an amused smirk rested on his face. "Thank you so much, Draco."

"No worries, just don't tell anyone that I gave you a whole bottle. Uncle Sev will have my head." Blaise reached over Pansy and ruffled his head, Draco protested and smacked at his hand spluttering about how his hair was ruined.

"Awww, you're so nice Draco." Pansy batted her eyelashes at him in a high-pitched baby voice.

"A man after my own heart." Blaise placed a hand on his chest and winked at his boyfriend who rolled his eyes in return. Frank chuckled at them, nearly choking on his orange juice.

"We should eat up, lessons will be starting soon," Nico spoke up nibbling on a piece of toast.

Sorry for the short chapter, I just felt like I needed to get something out soon.
So how did you guys like my first attempt at writing some PTSD UwU???? I'm trying to incorporate some evident PTSD into the fic, it will vary from little things to large things but I would appreciate some feedback from you guys as this is my first attempt and want to make it all sound right and not overexaggerated. Well, hope you enjoy the chapter!!!!

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