Chapter 2: Shocking Arrival

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I quickly turned around to see what made the noise. Where is it coming from? There was nothing were the noise was at. I'm probably just freaking out about nothing. I continued climbing the cliff; i still think it's a mountain. I finally reached the top after what seemed like hours.

"Hello, is anyone here?!" i was saying as i walked to the gatekeeper. The gatekeeper looked at me and then i was enveloped in a yellow light.

"scanning complete. FAILURE! AHH! SHE'S AN AKUMA, A MINION OF THE EARL! SHE WAS SENT TO KILL US ALL!" at the moment he said that i saw a person standing up above the gate.

This person wore the outfit of an exorcist, has extremely long dark blue hair tied up in a ponytail, an apparent scowl is plastered across this persons face, and is currently holding a katana. Is this person a girl or a guy? It's hard to tell.

"unsheath Mugen!" he said emphasizing the word Mugen as he unsheathed his sword. He seems to have a guys voice, so I'll just say that he's a guy.

He then leaped from the gate the gatekeeper was connected to as he held his katana above his head. I instinctively pulled out my twin guns, which happens to be my innocence. The next thing I know I hear a loud cling from his sword hitting my guns.

"will you stop this, I'm an exorcist! I was sent here from......General Marian Cross." I sort of yelled at the girly looking man attacking me.

"how do you know of the General?" he spat at me in retort to my statement.

"what the hell's wrong with you?! I just told you that he sent me here!" at this point, i was getting pissed at the fact that he isn't listening to what i'm saying.

"Gatekeeper!' he screamed in frustration at the head connected to the gate.

" *starts sobing* But she has a pentacle on her neck!" goodness this gatekeeper and guy are really getting on my nerves.

"kanda! Kanda, wait! Kanda!" i heard a males voice screaming this to who I pressume is this girly lookin' man. Wait, who the fu- oh my freaking god, is that who i think it is. The gate was opening to a young boy, around his teens, who had the same uniform as Kanda, a pentacle above his eye, and white hair that is a little shorter than shoulder length hair. He ran towards Kanda, got in between me and him, and was stretching his arms outwards. I put my innocence away to hear what the young boy has to say.

"Kanda she is Masters..." he started to say, but I interupted him by shooting in his direction. The young boy jumped with terror.

"Allen! You better not finish that statement with what I think you'll say." I stated calmly after yelling for his attention. Kanda then looks at Allen with a confused look and then shoots me a glare.

"Kanda, I know her and she is not on the side of the Earl. I also know that Master was the one who sent her.There is no way anyone else would have sent her." Allen calmly tried to convince Kanda that I wasn't a threat to the Black Order.

"Che.." Is all Kanda said before turning his head. I guess I should introduce myself now. Allen already knows me, so all I have to do is introduce myself to Kanda. I walk towards Allen until I am standing right next to him.

"Well, I am Iriki. Nice to meet you Kanda." I said in a tone opposing the one I had spoken to him with earlier.

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