"I swear..."

"And he swears as well. On your mother or father, on your mate or..."

"Dante, just shut your mouth and fuck off" Adrian shouts at once as he had enough of the man, who has been annoying him for the past hour.

"Ooh, now I am scared. Is my mother around, I need to go hide behind her while I cry for my mommy because big bad Adrian scared me" Dante sniffs.

"What do you want?" Adrian asks for the hundredth time.

"Name of the idiots who thought of throwing this so called party to send my little red away, I mean how could you even go with this and without my consent"

"When did I have to get your consent?" Adrian asks him.

"From the moment, you brought the little red at my house and asked me to take good care of the bundle I raised to be a beautiful queen...

I say the whole kingdom should have a statue of me built and worship me for taking good care of their Queen"

"It was your parents I asked to look after Cry not you" Adrian reminds him.

"Well, my parents were not there when little red learned to climb out of the window to sneak out and play with butterflies"

"She must have learned it from you, seeing how you always sneaked out"

"Oh well, ignore that particular talent, let's talk about how I raised her"

"Raised her? You literally are the reason why she had been so undisciplined!" Adrian snaps.

"Oh my, I am sure she must have learned one good thing"

"Yeah, she did. Not to go around fucking men"

"I knew it! This, this is why I always, always slept with women and my mother says that's not good. See, because of that our little red has ignored men and never slept with them...

Phew, I say I deserve to have a national holiday dedicated to me, like Valentine's Day" Dante suggests.

"How about we celebrate Invisible day dedicated just for you?" he suggests and Dante grins before he understands and frowns.

"Nah, not a good idea, I will be tempted to go naked all day long, every day. Then few of your men will have to die in shame because we all know whose is bigger" Dante wiggles his brow and Adrian finally push past him.

"Ad, Ad, man come on, I was kidding. We all know mine is bigger, no need to even show it" he teases following Adrian.

"Is that Antonio?" Dante asks as he walks beside Adrian.


"Cool, hello" Dante grins as he greets Giovanni who says his goodbye to the last of the guests.

"Dante?" Giovanni frowns.

"Yeah, what are you doing standing at the gate, are you pretending to be a guard because Ad was away or were you doing the duty of the man of the house?" he asks making Giovanni just ignore him as he nods at Adrian and walks in.

"I say this palace is cursed, all the men here have no humor but sour looking face. My poor little red, she must not even dare get an orgasm" Dante shivers as both Adrian and Giovanni halts on their steps to turn to glare at him.

"What? I used to jerk a lot at her age, she must have desires too" Dante points as he steps back seeing the men walking his way threateningly.

"Gio" Marissa calls as she rush towards him.

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