Don't Call Me

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I was going back and forth from one client to the next while my son, Maverick, was determined to plan his own graduation and birthday party, supported by my future ex- husband, sooner than expected. All this, just because, they both wanted to make me feel guilty for forgetting to send his monthly allowance.
- « Mum, I want DJ Ralph J(ones) to spin at my party! » Mav' was very stubborn, not that he didn't inherited that from me, but him wanting to have the best party of his neighborhood and school was an understatement.
-« Adding this up to the 6 to 12 full catering, the car valet, the bar and the coat check service...I think you' ll definitely have something to thank us for by the time you move to college, Son! » I was going through the non exhaustive list his father had sent me by email mixed with some of his repetitive unfounded comments and complaints about the unfairness of my lawyer's last divorce paperworks updates.
-« Mum, you and me know darn well that you don't want to go through all this again with Dad, Right? I've been planning this for over a year, now! My grades speak for themselves, don't they?! . I've been elected twice as the students board representative these past semesters, remember ?» I already knew all that but something was restraining me from letting my son be as grown as he already was and accepting that I already lost a part of him being the man he had become.
-« Watch your mouth, Son! What's Nanna saying about all this? Who's going to be there overnight if something goes wrong? Certainly not your father, No! Will you wait for a quick second Mav', I really need to finish this deal first...Hold on.» My head was spinning. I'd been up since dawn and walking on caffeine only since the first rays of sunshine.
My secretary had forced me to eat a couple of freshly baked Dunkin' Donuts but just the excess of sugar was hurting my nose and making me nauseous. I tried to focus on my screen but the pictures and numbers seemed blurry. I popped the waist buttons of my burgundy blazer and tried to lay back a little while taking my heels off.
I pressed on my before last caller line to finally seal the deal with an impetuous home owner who had been very reluctant to sell his house for at least 6 months. He refused to sign anything until his third spouse had agreed to leave his property. I finally got the police and his attorney take care of it
-« Mav' ? Are you still there ? Sorry it took me longer than expected... » I took a long sip from my sugar free iced coffee.
-« Not... » The deep voice on the other end of the line sounded familiar but also so lost in time.
-« ... » I remained silent for a few seconds which seemed interminable.
-« ... » Music played at a very low volume was the only thing I could hear.
-« Prin...ce? » It couldn't be anybody else.
-« Yep!» I could almost guess his smile.
-« How?...When?...What? » I was both shocked and puzzled but strangely happy.
-« I think the correct question is 'How are you doing?' » His humor always prevailed.
-« No, No, No! How did you get my office number? » I asked having a difficult time being defensive.
-«Well, I've always had my openings... » Prince replied in his own Sherlockian voice.
-« Ok, I was not prepared for... » I looked around my desk as if he was about to come in my office.
-« I never asked you to. I just wanted to know how you've been? » He weighed every word in his sentence.
-« I'm...fine. Just...Busy!» I got caught into the confusion of letting the comfort of a lost idyll win but reality knocked it over.
-« I know you are. Just wanted to say Hi ». Prince's sincerity had always flabbergasted me even when it came to simple things.
Hi... » I closed my eyes and almost felt the need to excuse myself.
-« Do you need...Anything? » His voice had always had this soothing effect when you felt at your lowest.
-« Is this even...Real? » I shook my head in disbelief.
-« Yes, it is!» His light giggle brought me back to some very intimate moments which we had promised to always keep to ourselves.
-« Prince, I thought... » I tried to come up with something deep to say.
- « Wrong...Time travels...People change. » I failed so many times to decipher Prince' s clock.
-« How are you? » I tried to turn the tables.
-« My only concern is you . » Prince always found his way in handling conversations.
-« We both know that this is not the right timing and our hours are valuable, Mr Nelson! » My professionalism was my best hidey-hole.
- « Crack open the rock and gold comes out of it. » Prince sounded almost like a nostalgic miner.
-« Prince, fess up! Really?! Why did you call me ? It's been...» I was starting to loose my patience.
-« Way too long... » Prince became serious and his tone hit its bass line.
-« Oh My Goodness !! Why are you doing this to me? » My head was spinning again.
-« I haven't done anything...Yet! Just ask and you shall receive. » The temptation was so easy and close at hand, but I've never wanted to revisit the past like some loonies dig up their own graves.
-« No! This is not what we agreed on and going back to it wouldn't be good for any of us! » It took a great deal of my young self to keep my guard up.
-« Well, we looked kinda cute together! » Prince was ready to use one of his famous musical tricks.
-« Were! Past tense! Not my kinda future!» It was really hard for me to resist, so I played harshly.
Both my personal and professional lives were a real nightmare. I wasn't ready for anything romantic, platonic, exotic or any other word that ever existed ending with I-C. I would have hated myself breaking the heart of someone I once cherished deeply all over again. I just wanted to end this conversation and pretend it never happened. Even if deep inside, I know I would regret it for the rest of my life.
-« Think again. I know you want this as much as I've missed you. » Prince played his last ace.
-« Not! » His beginning had quickly become my ending.
-«That's it? Just like that? » Prince's voice sounded hurt.
-« Don't call me...Anymore. Please. » I had to stay firm even if I was dying somewhat unconsciously.
-« You can't stop Love...» He gave me his coup de grâce.
-« Bye, Prince. »
I was mentally torn apart but it was all for the best. I knew I would not hear from him ever again. He had just given me an incredible opportunity to come back into his life but I had made it a personal point by declining his invitation. Our worlds were so different now and it would have been nothing but hell to try to mend our fences.
-« Mav' ?» I asked again hoping my son would not make a fuss about putting him on hold for so long.
- « Hey?! Finally! What happened? You know you're lucky to be my Mom!? I could have ghost you for less than that! »
-« Yeah, I know... » I answered sipping on my iced coffee.

35 Candles - The Sequel of « **Dancing on a Purple Cloud ** »Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon