Underneath the Purple veil - Part 1

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We had spent the most exquisite time at the Benefit Dinner at the McNally Smith College of Music. I remember this specific night like it was yesterday. Stacia Lang, Prince's personal stylist and designer had spent so many working hours on both his suit and my Gala dress. I remember being flabbergasted by everything she showed us and what she had in mind to be the finish cut and stitching. Those times had been the highlight of the exact same year we finally settled and lived together as an « official » couple within Paisley Park walls. At least, this is how we agreed with both our close families, friends and professional environment to consider us. But it never went further than our threshold just because we were both very private and we loathed tabloids and trash publicity. Everyone knew how to act, how to call and address us when in society.
Yes, there were codes, looks, even hand gestures you had to learn and decode to know your way in our inner circle. No, in public I was never referred as Prince's lover, fling or flirt. I was always, when necessary, presented as his publicist, impresario or booking agent.
That night at the McNally Smith College of Music went very smoothly. Indeed, very few people had tried to sneak, glare, get in our way or even tried to be nosy.
I thanked him many times for whichever spell he had cast around us to go so perfectly that specific night. He always laughed heartily taking his mischevious Jamie Starr voice and replied « I'll never tell anyone my secrets ... ».

I was facing my wardrobe watching this Gala dress which I had hanged there for so long. Prince had graciousy allowed me to keep it along with other accessories and pieces of jewelry which had been little memories of very special occasions. I went through my correspondence box again and took out the flyer from the Benefit Dinner.

« Dear Miss Johnson,
👁 wanted 2 personally thank U 4 keeping an over-the-top behavior during the Benefit Dinner las night😉.U looked Gorgeous 😋. 2 bad 👁 did not take the chance to rip it off U 🤭. Stacia would have killed me
4 sure! 😏. The only thing 👁 can do is let U have it 😉.
Signed, Not the Person U think 👁 Am.
P.S.Y.C.H ! 😜 »

I received many of those silly notes throughout the whole time we were together. I really enjoyed his genuine and off-the-wall humor. Those precious times easily masked all the down and sometimes very hard times we went through in our relationship...

-« Come here, let me help you with this... » I offered my help while Prince was literally shaking.
-« I'm fine, I'm fine... » His full arm was now covering his wet torso.
- « I'll help you with your robe, hold on... » I pulled it from the bathroom hanger.
- « No! I can do this... » Prince groaned while trying to reach for it and staggered.
He tried to catch the door handle instead, but the door wasn't fully closed and the floor was too slippery. He tumbled backwards, his back hit the rim of the tub and got ripped. He finally found himself bottom first sitting on the thick mat.
-« Shiiiitt! » He swore hitting both fists on the floor with whatever strength he had left.
-« Oh, Gosh! Are you OK? Come on, Baby, take my hand. I'll help you get up and take you to bed. You need some rest. » I tried to reach for his hand but got pushed away by a very weak arm move.
His hazel eyes turned green then black. I knew I was in trouble. He pointed a feeble finger and hissed at me.
-« I ain't your... « Baby »! You ain't my ...Mum! And, I don't need your ...Help! » It had needed Prince's last drops of energy just to say that before he let his head finally down. I shook mine in disbelief knowing I was the only one in Paisley Park still on call because everyone else was off duty. I had to find a way to get him out from where he was. He had outdid himself once again working on his last projects mixed up with sleepless nights, countless plane travels to L.A from Minneapolis and unthinkable periods of time without food or water just for the love of music.
His voice was raspy and I could easily feel he had some fever. I didn't say anything while I tried to lift him up from the floor and helped him walk to his bed. Despite his petite stature, he was strong. Even if I could feel he was growing sickly. I tried a couple of times but almost lost my balance twice doing so.
-« What are you doing? I told you I didn't need any help! » He grumbled trying to lean nonetheless over my shoulder in order to move around as much as he could.
-« Save this little energy you've left to climb over your bed, OK? » I limped along to ease our short way to his bedroom.
He was breathing with difficulty probably due to a cold which had spread in his upper body. His whole chest cavity was trembling and whistling every other minute.
He made it onto the bed with a lot of difficulties and contorsions. He looked very pale and restless. He had lost most of his natural shine but somewhat was trying to hold on to his authoritative side.
- « Let me get you a clean pair of PJ's. Underwear ? » I walked towards his drawers.
-« Skip this! I ain't no Ken doll which you can dress whimsically! » The glare minus the finger had come back adding a few oscillating low notes to his voice.
- « Prince, if you don't get dress right now, ER will be your last option for the next few days! So, let me help you avoiding a pneumonia and stop acting like a spoiled child. » I hadn't raised my voice yet but his bratty ways were getting on my nerves.
I opened his top drawers and looked between the layers for what looked liked something he could sleep in. I heard Prince rolled on one side and sucked his teeth which was a new but that was no surprise as I was getting into his clothes. I sorted a satiny top and bottom which I had never seen him wear before. I put it not far from him unfolded and headed to the other side of the bed to call the main kitchen to check if they were still open.
-« Put these on! I'm going to call James to see if he can make you some noodle soup to drink with Tylenol. » I picked up the phone and pressed Line 2.
-« What kind of tomfoolery Cocktail is this !? » Prince had a gag response just asking.
-« In your case, you cannot eat or drink anything without taking something to cure your illness. »
James picked up almost immediately knowing it was coming from Prince's room. I heard Prince tossing and turning in his bed while seating on the edge.
-« James? Thank God, you're still here!» I said relieved.
-« Of course, Miss Johnson! I never clock out until my boss is telling me I can! » James said in his most loyal tone.
-« That's good! Now, could you make noodle soup, please, a.s.a.p? » I looked briefly over my shoulder hearing Prince was whining while finally putting his PJ's on.
-« Yes, of course! Is it for him? » James asked lowering his voice.
-« Yep. Could you do that, James? » I tried not to sound too pleading.
-« I sure will. Hand him the bucket. He'll need it soon." James's 6th sense had just talked.
-" Pardon me !? " Prince noises were becoming weirder.
-" See, he might throw up any minute now. You'd better found something so he can free himself without moving or he'll fall off out doing so."
- "Oh Nooo!" Prince sounded like he was going to pass out."
I turned around so fast I almost did a full pirouette. I dropped the cordless phone on the bed, ran to the bathroom, looked for a bucket on the floor and finally got the idea to look under the sink.
-"Bingo!" I turned around again and was a milisecond early to what would have been a complete disaster all over Prince's bed sheets.
Finally picking up the phone again, I could hear James had put himself on speaker.
-" It was a close call, wasn't it ?! Congrats for handling this one! Watch out for a second round, tho'!" James warned me while prepping what I just ordered.
-" Wow, thanks for the hint! Now, I'll wait for you and go back to him, if you don't mind. My hands are quite full right now! See you in a few minutes, James. Thank you." I hung up without waiting for his reply and took the bucket slowly from Prince's hands.
He had rested his head on the pile of purple pillows behind him and looked pallid.
I took the time to clean everything while waiting for James to arrive.
I rinsed Prince's washcloth and slowly humidified his face and neck with lukeworm water. Then, I simple let his washcloth folded on his forehead and waited for his body to cool off.
I heard a timid knock on Prince's door a little after 10 pm and walked slowly to get the door.
I peeped quickly through the door and let James in with his silver tray.
-" How is he, Miss Johnson? " James looked concerned.
-"I cannot tell,really...He has been dozing off intermittently. " I designated Prince's marble coffee table.
- " You should wake him up so he can have some fluid back in his system and sleep better for a while." He said almost whispering showing me the soup dish.
- " Oh Lord, help me! You really think I should do that?" I asked getting nervous.
I never dared waking Prince up even more if he was profoundly asleep. I was really worried about what type of reaction he might have or how he would react.
-" I think that's the only option you have if you want him to feel better." He advised me walking back towards the door.
-" You're leaving already? " I raised my voice a little. I was getting disconcerted. I wasn't a doctor and I had never seen Prince like this before.
-" I'll be right downstairs if anything goes out of hand. Just call me, OK? I'm sure you'll be just fine..." He waved, smiled reassuringly and slowly closed the door.
I heard Prince moving in his bed and the washcloth fell right on the floor.
I took a deep breath, walked over to pick it up and observed him from the bathroom door drame.
-" What are you looking at? Anything you like?" Prince grunted.
Well, at least his humor had reemerged but he was still grumpy.
-" I'm just glad you're awake. You need to regain energy. James brought you some noodle soup. Are you ready to eat? "
-" How good is it? " Prince quizzed.
-" Excuse me?! " I was surprise by his question and stopped in my track.
-" The soup! How good is it? " The pointing finger was back but his eyes were closed. He must have smelt where his food had been placed.
- " I don't know ?! James made it for you. It's all yours." I semi-smiled.
-" Well, you should taste it! " He finally opened his eyes and they were green as I looked at him while seating by his side.
-" Prince, you're the one who needs to eat. Get your senses back together and drink the soup, OK? " I was getting impatient so I stood up to get the tray.
-" I won't have any if you don't taste it first..." Prince let his head fall back over his pillows and closed his eyes.
-" You can't be serious, right?! Your own chef made it specially for you! " I unfolded the feet of the tray while accomodating Prince with the bed sheets.
He remained silent for a good couple of minutes and looked like he was definetly going to wait for a reaction on my side.
What was that all about? Was this a joke? Was he testing me? Was this another one of his initiation momentum? Prince had almost passed out on me and now he was back to playing a game?
I looked at him with a frawn and a spoon in my hand.
-"Prince?! This is far from being funny. Eat!! Now!!" I was getting angry.
-" Not until you have some first! " He opened his eyes again and they were back to their natural color.
I sighed heavily, shook my head and I finally gave in. I wanted to see Prince eat. By doing what he asked, I prayed he would be wise enough and get back to his normal self. James had knowingly left 2 silver spoons on the tray along with a tall glass of Perrier Rondelle and some Tylenol. I lifted the cloche and the soup was still steaming.

-" That sure smells wonderful! Let's try it together." It even reminded me of the kind of soup my grand-mother used to make specially on cold winter nights.
Prince pursed his lips and gave me one of his best contorted face from above the plate.
-" You go first." He ordered reliving his last discomfort episode.
-" You know you're quite impossible! Fine! I'll go first !" I plunged the spoon into the creamy soup, blew on the colorful mixture and opened my mouth widely.
Prince stared at me the whole time, keeping his mouth half opened and waited for my review.
-" So...?" Prince was worried as I purposefully kept my face expressionless.
-" It's really good! What did you expect?! " I replied obviously a little nettled.
Prince got taken a back by my reaction and reassured himself as much as he could.
-" Well, you know "all that glitters ain't gold "..." He smirked.
-"Coast is clear! OK?! Eat before it turns a waste. Don't forget to take your Tylenole too. " I stood up, headed for the bedroom door to get some neede fresh air and finally let him eat peacefully.

35 Candles - The Sequel of « **Dancing on a Purple Cloud ** »Where stories live. Discover now