3. Uprooted

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All of the air seems to be sucked from the room. Sirius lightly kicks a chair beside him, muttering fuck under his breath. Tonks leans into Remus, both of them looking at each other fearfully.

After another moment of ragged breathing, Molly wipes her face and claps her hands together. "Well then, it looks like we have lots to plan and little time to do so. Everyone sit, I'll make tea."

Nobody says anything as they comply, sinking into whatever seat is closest to them. George pulls out a chair but settles himself into the one next to it, giving me a pointed look. Begrudgingly, I plop down next to him and try to read the room. What does this mean for everyone? What does this mean for me?

Molly waves her wand and steaming cups of tea settle before everyone with a clink. I immediately wrap my hands around it, welcoming the warmth as it soothes the chill that has settled into my entire body.

"The most pressing order of business is ensuring we can communicate. We need to maintain a constant line–" Remus begins and Arthur cuts him off quickly.

"I've fixed some Muggle radios, we can use those." The man's voice holds a bit of pride at his accomplishment.

"Hermione also created fake galleons for Dumbledore's Army so the numbers on the edges would show the meeting times. I reckon George and I can figure out how to make some in case we need to meet." Fred speaks from the far end of the table and everyone collectively nods in agreement.

"Give us a day and we can have them made. Fred and I can find everyone once they are finished and distribute them." George adds onto his brother's idea and taps his fingers against the wooden table.

"The galleons and the radios should suffice. Where will everyone be staying, then? Nobody can stay here. It's a miracle that Snape," Sirius spits the name out with obvious distaste, "has not revealed our location yet but I have no doubt that he will once word of what happened at the Ministry gets out. It might also be wise to keep our groups as small as possible. Sure, it'd be easier to fight them off altogether, but we'd be risking all of us being caught at once."

"We'll stay with my parents." Tonks speaks on her and Remus' behalf.

"I sent a patronus to Muriel before I left the ministry. She's agreed to let us stay with her." Arthur pipes up next with a loud sip of his tea.

I stay quiet, hoping they'll all forget I'm here and won't make me leave. If Harry comes back, I'd like to be here where he can find me.

"Hayden, you'll come with us." Remus declares but Molly makes a small squeak in protest. I look up towards the woman and she nervously wrings her fingers together.

"You know that isn't wise with the new legislation, Remus." Her voice holds some apology but I'm not sure what for. What new legislation?

"I can just stay here." I say quietly, staring blankly at the table in front of me and hoping the Weasleys won't insist I go with them, either. If they're being tracked, I don't want to be an additional hazard.

Sirius lets out a long sigh, "No, darling, you can't. My relation to Death Eaters already poses a great risk and, while I can only hope to defend myself if they come, I know I won't be able to protect you, too."

If I knew how to use that good for nothing wand, I could look after myself.

Remus clears his throat and the legs of his chair screech against the floor so he can stand up. "Sirius, a word-"

"There isn't time for secrecy. Whatever you need to say, you need to say it now." George crosses his arms and glares hard at Remus, making the older man slowly sit back down with a murderous look on his face.

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