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Warning: This story contains elements of underage sex, drinking, death, violence, elements of child abuse, and torture. Given the timeline of this story, it goes without saying that underage sex will take place. I have tried to limit it until characters are a bit older but in order to follow the original timelines of Harry Potter, it's going to happen. Please go into this story with all of this in mind.

Irrevocably follows the timeline of the Harry Potter books and is centered around an original character I created. Timelines and plot points have been altered to fit the needs of my story. I do not own any rights to the Harry Potter universe and everything within this fic is the work of fiction.

In order to avoid too much repetition and ensure that we get to focus on the aspects of what are different between this timeline vs the original one, there will be a lot of time jumps that I annotate with ***.  This story is told from Hayden's perspective and, in many instances, George's as well. Any chapter entitled 'George' will be from his point of view, just to avoid confusion. 

As stated in the warning, this story contains certain themes that are not for every reader. I understand this, and I hope you do, too.



Hi there readers new and old! A little bit before we get started:

I wrote Irrevocably back in 2020, during COVID's reign, and I wrote it in only a month. Upon looking at it recently, I found that my style changed slightly and I think it could be better than what it originally was. I didn't delve into relationships and characters the way I wanted to because of how pressed for time I was, and I'd like to fix that.

Like many others, I draw inspiration from people/places/things and other works and incorporate it into my own creations. I hope I can bring some justice to the wonderful ideas others have given me.

With a bit of newfound time and nothing else to do, I thought I'd tidy this story up a bit. It will still be the same fanfic it was, just a bit better/more developed (she said hopefully) in certain areas. At the end of the day, this story is still just a story. Means of entertainment through teenage angst and an impending war. And I do hope you find it entertaining, at least. :)

*Shameless Self Promo* I also have created a few different accounts on social media platforms. If you'd like to follow them/be able to communicate with me a bit better, I'll list them down below.

** Instagram: epsilon.eridanis

** TikTok/Tumblr/Twitter: epsiloneridanis

If you're new here, welcome, I'm happy to have you. And if you've stumbled your way back, thank you. I appreciate you. :) Whoever you are and however you ended up here, thank you for being here, I'm glad that you are. xx.

-Epsilon E. Eridanis 

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