The world stopped spinning

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Y/N was a normal 18 year old girl she loved Thatsojack she watched his videos every Friday there was never a time when she didn't watch a Thatsojack video

Y/N pov: today was Saturday I was in my room watching a Thatsojack video from yesterday my mom was down stairs making breakfast all the sudden I heard screaming it was my little brother he started screaming and yelling so I quickly went down stairs to see my mom one the floor i started to shake her and call her name but she didn't answer so I quickly called 911 when the ambulance got here they took my mom to the hospital I took my brother and went in my car and drove to the hospital when I got there i asked if could see here they told me that I could see her and that she was in coma I went in her room and stared at her then I went to her bed and grabbed her hand and held it I started talking to her I said " Mom I want you to wake up I need you your the only one that I have dad left us I can't be by myself me and my brother need you we need you to stay with us " then I saw here open hear eyes and say " I love you an------ she stopped breathing a whole bunch if doctors and nurses started coming in and took her away I felt like the world stopped spinning the doctor told me to wait in the room it took about and hour the doctor said that she had died I started crying until I didn't have any more tears left
A few days passes and my brother stayed with my aunt and so did I I felt like taking a walk so I went to town and started walking I ran into a stranger but didn't look at who it was the stranger asked if I was okay I just nodded and kept walking but his voice sounded familiar

Strangers pov: I was walking and I accidentally ran into this girl she was crying I asked if she was okay and she just nodded and kept walking but she didn't sound okay but I just kept walking

Hey guys I hope you liked it I will update every 3 days I now it was boring and short but I couldn't really think about anything else I will try to come up with ideas and hopefully update in the next three days comment who you think the stranger is

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