The day

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Jacks pov: she started crying and I hugged her and told her I know you are not okay.

Y/N pov: I just burst in to tears jack saw that I was crying so he hugged me and told me I know you are not okay was jack really there or was I just imagining this all but I knew this was real I told jack that I wasn't okay that I needed some time alone

Jacks pov: it was quite for a couple of seconds but then she said that she wasn't okay and she needed some time alone but I told her I wanted to talk and that she could tell me everything that was wrong I I would fix it

Y/N pov: jack told me he wanted to talk and that I could tell him anything and that he could fix it but I told him he wouldn't want to listen to my problems

Jacks pov: she told me that I wouldn't want to listen to her problems but I did i told her that we could go somewhere private and talk about it

I hope you like it i will update in three days ~ 🌸

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