They all left the room as they were done with their morning routine. I went through my instagram as i ate my food. You must think i wake up really early to get ready, but no. It takes me 50 minutes maximum to get all things done.

I sniffed at the newly picked roses and smiled as their sweet scent filled my senses. I put my phone in my pocket and quickly moved towards the washroom to rinse my mouth with mouthwash. Throwing one last look at my self in the full length mirror, i wore my coat, grabbing my bag, i walked out of my room.

I walked out to see my empty house, i sighed as i already missed my parents. Today was their 30th wedding anniversary and they decided to celebrate it by going on a honeymoon. Which was sweet and really romantic. They left two days ago to Rome, must be living their life. While i was sulking here.

"Goodbye and take care." Jasmine said, with a soft smile.

Jasmine was the eldest among my maids and only person who was close to me except my parents. She treated me like her younger sister and i treated her like my elder sister. I was the only child of my parents, so i always longed for sibling love, which Jasmine fullfilled for me. Never making me feel alone.

I was blessed to have her.

"Wait, Esme!." Her sweet hurried voice filled my ears.

I turned around to find her holding my car keys in front of face. I sighed and smiled at her. She just shoke her head with a smile.

Getting into my Audi, i pulled out my sun glasses from my pocket and wore it. Checking myself out at the rear mirror, perfect.

Putting up my favorite song, Way Back Home - Shaun , i started my journey to my university. My baby hair dancing along the wind which was coming from my half open car window. I prefer natural air than the air-conditioned air. Parking my car among the others in the parking lot, i got out and already felt people eyes upon me.

You see i belong to an elite family and was famous in my university for my looks and grades. Throwing my sun glasses onto the passenger seat, i closed the door. Walking towards where my friends were waiting, i could feel people eyes on me. My group consisted of six people, who also belong to an elite family. Our group was names 'Elite group', we were good in studies, games, organizing events and having fun. Everyone despised us, not only because of our wealth also due to our good looks.

"Hey Esme." They greeted me with a soft smiles on their faces

"Hi guys." Greeting them, we all made our way inside. Evie fall in step with me, while others also walked in pairs.

"What are you wearing tonight?." Evie asked me

"I am thinking of wearing something warm. It's really cold today." I said, rubbing my hands over my arms.

She nodded her head, " my dress is dark blue color with pearls on.... "

I zoned out as my eyes connected with Kian. Electric blue eyes staring right at mine, black straight silky hair moving slightly as he walks. He did made my heart beat fast until i got to know about him properly. I rolled my eyes and looked away.

Kian Davidson was my soon to be fiance. He belonged to an elite family and his father were good friends with mine. It is a thing among rich family, that if they don't marry their kids among rich families, the property value will fall as the other person whom their kid is marrying is not rich. If they marry their kid among rich families, the property value doubles.

So his father asked my father to marry me to Kian, as it will benefit both of them. Kian didn't had a problem with it but i kind of have. I wanted to marry the guy whom i fell in love with, not for the sake of property. Even if i put apart this wish of mine, i still won't marry him. You ask why? Because his personality was shit. He was a player, smoker and disrespectful.

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