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"move~" yuta groaned, as mark was taking up most of the space on his bed. mark frowned, as he thought they were getting along for once, "if you're gonna stay here, make sure i have room too!"

mark smiled with a nod, resting his head on yuta's pillow. maybe yuta wasnt such an asshole. he smiled contently, only to let out a small gasp when yuta snaked his arm around his waist, pulling him closer into him.

"shut up," yuta said, his voice tired, "dont react."

mark's eyes were wider than they had ever been, as he felt yuta's soft breath on his neck. but he relaxed as yuta restricted his movements by hugging him tight.

"im doing this for comfort reasons. nothing else," yuta laughed softly, as mark closed his eyes, "dont get the wrong idea."


donghyuck: bitch where are you.

donghyuck: we'll leave without you

donghyuck: im not even kidding

donghyuck: im not being late for class again whore

donghyuck: okay have fun being late <3

mark: fuck fuck fuck fuck

mark jumped up, not realising he was still in yuta's grip, meaning he woke yuta up suddenly too. the japanese let out a pained groan, as mark stood up infront of a mirror. he fixed his hair quickly, as yuta just watched him.


"no yuta, this is your fault, let me get ready without you interrupting me for once, alright?" mark snapped, running around their room.

wiping his eyes, the older grabbed his phone as mark ran into the bathroom. he laughed when he saw the time, and made his way to the bathroom.

"you're in the way," mark complained as soon as yuta stepped foot into the room. yuts just chuckled, "what?"

"mark, look at the time."

mark saw the time, and his whole body just stopped, he sighed, pushing past yuta and going to lay on his bed.

it was already too late to even attempt to attend his class, as the class had finished just minutes ago.

"its your fault," mark sighed, as yuta followed him back into their main bedroom, "i hate you."

"why's it my fault?" yuta laughed, finding this whole situation hilarious, "you're the one who didnt set an alarm, dickhead."

mark just looked at yuta, speechless.

"you didnt remind me to!"

"i shouldn't have to remind you!"

yuta was just laughing, as mark was clearly visibly angry. the whole "getting along" thing didnt last very long.


donghyuck: too busy spooning yuta?

mark: ...

donghyuck: oh?

mark: ur not wrong 😭😭 god i hate him nevermind that whole development bullshit

donghyuck: you hate him because you missed a class cuz you were cuddling? mark thats not a reason to hate people. honestly that'd make me like them more

mark: well you're stupid
               i actually care about my education

donghyuck: boring mf

asshole~yumarkWhere stories live. Discover now