1: arriving home

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"ugh", Anastasia groans exiting the private plane, her heels clicking each step she takes

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"ugh", Anastasia groans exiting the private plane, her heels clicking each step she takes.
Once she has made her way off the plane, her very expensive Gucci bags are handed to her. She thanks the man and makes her way towards her car.

Arthur is her driver, he is an older man. Maybe his 60s. He has been Anastasias driver since she was 14, she hasn't gotten a new one since. He stays in Atlanta as Anastasia travels but he is and always will be her personal driver.

"Welcome home" Arthur greets Anastasia with a warm smile, she leans in for a sweet hug with her driver. It only lasts for a moment before they both pull away with a smiles across their faces.
"good to see you back home  Ms, Stasia" Arthur comments as he opens the back door for her to take a seat,
"good to be back" she smiles as she gets situated in the back seat, Arthur closing the door as she gets comfortable.

The two catch up as Arthur makes his way to Anastasias desired destination. The manor.

<——First Person——>

Arthur put on his relaxing classical music as I just gazed out the window. Seeing the town I know oh so well. It's weird seeing the familiar scenery. I'm beginning to get nervous to see my dreadful father. Over the years he has gotten worse, but he has his moments where he acts like a real father figure.
My father and I used to be close when I was a bit younger, he believed I could run our family business when I got older. That was never my dream it was Fallons and she deserved it. That's when the way I saw him Began to change, I saw the way he treated my siblings. Especially Steven, it made me literally sick. The expectations he had for us all was too high even for Fallon. Dad believed it should be a man to run the family business, but when I was born and started to grow into 'my full potential' his mind started to change, only slightly.
He used to be proud of me, he would tell me everyday when I lived at the manor but recently he barely talks to me or better yet calls or leaves a text. I'm not exactly what he was expecting, as I got older I began to 'change' and got sick of following his rules. He became stricter over the years, leaving my only real family being my two siblings. Steven and Fallon, with them I don't know how I would of survived in that hell hole.

I believe the future is women but daddy says the future isn't here yet, he couldn't be anymore wrong. I will prove him wrong, if it's that last thing that I do.

my nerves are rising, I begin to see familiar buildings. We are almost there. Is it too late to change my mind and turn back. Fallon would probably kill me if I skipped out on this. I wasn't planning on coming when our father called me but then Fallon explained how she needed both Steven and I there.  I haven't seen Steven in a month or so, i visited  him on his little expedition thing. I stayed in a tent for 2 days, worst experience I have ever had.

Last time I saw Fallon was probably over 8 months ago, time just flies when your two successful woman. We do call weekly when we have the spare time, even if it's just for a minute or two just nice to hear each other's voices and give our input to each other's life's.  I try to visit Steven as often as I can since I know he feels lonely and unwanted sometimes since our dad exiled him away.
"We're here Miss Carrington" Arthur announces, pulling me out of my train of thought. I focus out the window, my eyes are greeted with a large, stunning manor that I call home. Even when I'm away for years at a time I always make my way back here.
Arthur opens my door for me.
"thank you Arthur" I smile sweetly "I'll see you tomorrow"
"Of course" he nods and closes the door of the car behind me. He waits for me to get to the front door, I turn back around and I give him a small wave that he returns, he enters the vehicle and leaves as i take a deep breath and enter the manor
"You Came" I hear Steven announce as I push open the double door to our house.
"I'm not the one in exile." I reply. "Unlike some people " I look around the room jokingly looking for someone in particular.
"Aw, I missed your mean remarks, Ana." He smiles, and pulls me into a hug.
"Alright, come on" I patted his back and pulled away, a smile on my face. "I missed you, too, but if I'm gonna stay in this house one more minute, I need a drink." He laughs and leads me towards the bar, offering me a drink and I accept it, taking a sip. "So, Dad called you, too, huh?" He asks me.
"Yep." I answer. "Fallon did too."
"She really didn't want to be alone in here, did she?" He asks me. "Yeah, I wouldn't wanna be alone here either. A bit weird we're here and she's not." I comment, and as if on queue, Fallon's voice comes. "Oh, Bo!" She kneels in front of Bo, our family dog and pets him. "Oh, I'm home. I'm home." I clear my throat and she turns to me and Steven. "And so are you, both. I can't believe that old Cessna actually made it over the ocean." I laugh as she directed this towards Steven.
"I can't believe you both just spent the median household income on jet fuel." Steven replies, I playfully glare at him and they hug.
"Fresh-baked cookies are worth it." She tells him,
"Agreed" I chuckle, and she wraps her arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug.
"When the revolution happens, it'll be your head they come for first." Steven says.
"Oh, I'll be sure to get my hair done." Fallon retorts. "Sooner the better." I tease, playfully, running my fingers at the tips of her hair.
"How did we beat you back here?" Steven asks her and I smirk.
"Um I took the scenic route." She replies vaguely. "The scenery being Culhane?" I ask.
"Oh, shut up." She rolls her eyes. "Thank you for coming home for me guys."
"Actually, Dad called both of us after you did." Steven informs her, and after Fallon's look of confusion, he continues. "I know. Maybe he's dying."
"Here's hoping" I joke and Fallon slightly snorts at my comment, Steven just rolls his eyes.
"Fallon, Anastasia, Steven?" Anders voice comes, and we all turn towards him. "I didn't know your father was expecting you three." He turns towards Steven. "Especially you."
"I come for the hospitality." Steven says, sarcastically.
"Is this really the best place you could get?" I jokingly ask Steven who just hides a laugh by clearing his throat. Anders seems impatient with our banter.
"Father asked us here" I inform Anders.
"He said you never responded." Anders replies. "This is our response." Steven says, putting his arms around me and Fallon.
"Where is he?" Fallon asks him.
"In a meeting." Anders answers,
"oo, with who" I playfully ask, as Fallon and I immediately make our way towards his office.

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