Barbecue and pool party

Start from the beginning

"Otay" he sniffles.

"Good boy, daddy will be back" I say and run off to get changed. Once changed I get into the pool and me and Mercedes help Blaine learn how to swim.

"They you go, put your legs out like that and kick gently" I tell him and he started to kick harshly instead splashing water everywhere. Me and Mercedes just laughed.

"Your a silly boy aren't you?" I say and tickle his stomach a little. We played until it was time for burgers and hotdogs. We all dried our selfs off while Finn was at the barbecue cooking them.

"Here Puck, can you hold him while I get his high chair and pushchair from the car?" I ask him.

"Yeah sure, come here buddy" Puck says and takes him out of my arms, he instantly lays his head on Pucks shoulder.

"Yeah, he's tired, I'll be back in a minute" I say and go and get his stuff, I come back and Blaine has fallen asleep on Puck with a dummy in his mouth.

"He started to whine when you left so I found one of his dummies in the changing bag and rocked him a little to calm him down and next thing I know he's out like a light" he rambles as I set up the pushchair, making sure to lay it down so I could just put him straight in there. I took Blaine's arm bands off before taking him off Puck.

"Can you tell Finn to save a few frozen hotdogs and burgers to cook later for Blaine please?" I ask him as he passes Blaine over.

"Sure" he says and goes to tell Finn. I went to put Blaine in, but he started to whine a little, so I quickly strap him up and rocked him a bit, I decided to put the pushchair in the shade so Blaine didn't get to hot and then put a very thin blanket on top of him incase he gets a little cold.

"Finn said he will save some"


After everyone ate and still played for a bit, I stayed out of the pool to keep an eye on Blaine, Blaine woke up.

"Hey sweetie, I bet your hungry huh?" I ask him as I get him out.

"Eah" he yawns.

"You want a burger?" I ask him once he was fully awake.

"Yeah daddy" he exclaims.

"Finn cook up a burger please" I ask him.

"One burger coming right up" he said in a silly voice making Blaine laugh.

"Was that funny mister?" he says in a different funny voice.

"Yeah" he laughs as he nods his head quickly.

"Come on let's go set up your high chair" I say to Blaine as we head to the patio bit.

"If you're gonna crawl around don't go anywhere near the pool ok, you have no arm bands on" I tell him.

"Otay" he says and crawls to a bird that flew away. I set the high chair up and went to talk to Finn.

"How's it coming?" I ask him.

"Just done"

Does he have any fillings in it?" Finn asks.

"No" I tell him

"Ok, here's Blaine's burger" he says as he passes it over to me.

"Thanks" as I was about to turn around and call for Blaine.
I heard a big splash followed by a scream that sounded so much like Blaine's.

"Blaine's now fell in the water hasn't he?" I sigh as I close my eyes.

"Yeah" he says letting out a breath he probably didn't know he was holding.

"Here hold on to this please?" I say and hand the burger back over.

"Daddy" he shouts. I turn around and Quinn has him.

"Thanks Quinn" I say to her as she passes him over.

"Baby what did I tell you about going near the pool" I say as I shush him and rub his back up and down.

"Oh he was following a butterfly and he stopped near the pool, but as it was slippery his hand slipped and he tumbled into the water" Quinn explains.

"Thanks again Quinn for letting me know" I tell her sincerely.

"No problem, I just hope he's okay?"

"I think so, baby does anything hurt?" I ask him and he shakes his head 'no'.

"Okay we're good then" I chuckle lightly. Blaine finally calmed down enough so I could now put him in his high chair and give him his burger. Once he ate and I made sure it had gone down before he could get in the pool. Me and Puck sat around and talked about anything and everything.

Mercedes came over with Blaine.

"He's getting a little whiney" she explains.

"Thanks" I tell her as I grab Blaine a towel.

"Let's get you all dried and into some clothes shall we?" I tell him as I dry him off.

"Ill be back in a minute" I tell Puck as I carry Blaine and the changing bag to the bathroom.

"Ohhh baby, looks like you're getting a rash" I tell him as I took his swim nappy off. He whined and kicked his legs a little.

"Alright alright, daddy's sorry" I tell him as the cold cream hit his areas. Once Blaine was cleaned up and dressed like I was earlier we head out of the bathroom.

"Dum dum?" Blaine asks.

"Hang on then" I say and fetch one of his dummies that was attached to a clip. I clip it near the top of shirt so it was easier for him then popped it in his mouth. We go out and I put Blaine on the grass so he could crawl around for a while, while me and Puck can carry on talking.

Once me and Puck had finished talking it was getting a little dark, but everyone was staying later, I had to get Blaine home and into bed.

"Blaine!" I warn as he headed near the water. He turned around from crawling and smiled behind his dummy.

"I see that smile" I coo as he then turned round and crawled to me.

"Up" he says and makes grabby hands to be picked up.

"You're a good boy aren't ya?" I say to him as I place him on my lap.

"You had a good time buddy?" Puck asks him.

"Yeah" he cheers and puts his arms in the air.

"Good" he chuckles.

"You ready to go home now?" I ask him as he leans against me.

"Noooooo!" he whines. 'Someone's getting tired' I thought.

"Yes come on, let's get you into some jammies" I say as I take him to the bathroom for what felt like the millionth time today. I changed Blaine then headed out making sure his dummy was attached to him.

"Lets go say bye to everyone" I say as we head out.

"Bye guys" I shout over them and I get a load of 'see ya's' and 'byes' from them all, Puck came with us to the door.

"Can you take him please real quick?" I ask him.

"Sure" he says and takes Blaine. I put Blaine's pushchair and high chair in the boot, then made him a bottle.

"Say bye to Puck" I say to Blaine as he lays his head in between my neck and shoulder.

"Bye bye" he waves a little.

"Say thank you for today Puck"

"Fank 'ou for doday 'uck" he says sleepily.

"No problem buddy" he smiles and ruffles his hair.


"Bye" I say as we head to the car, I put Blaine in his seat and gave him his bottle and everything else he needs to sleep with him then headed home.

Once we got home Blaine was asleep so I carried him to his crib and put him to bed then turning on his mobile and the monitor the closing the door but making sure to leave it open a crack. I went back downstairs and just talked with Carole and dad for a little while.

Infantilism BlaineWhere stories live. Discover now