chapter 6 »

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He nodded his head with his eyes closed lightly, thoughtfully. His black lashes blanketed the highest part of his cheekbones and his lips, slightly parted, silently whispered the lyrics to the song playing in Riley and his ears.

Small white earbuds took place in his left ear and her right as they were reclined on his all-too-comfortable lounge chair set.

Her body mimicked his. She was completely relaxed with no muscles at work and her top eyelids rested heavy against her bottom ones. She found the main rhythm and the two subtones underneath as she almost plunged into her subconscious.

"Let your breathing align with the melody." Vincenzo had told her before he played the song.

As she took a breath, he exhaled. As he took a breath, she exhaled. They worked in conflict. Just as the wind would carry pollen to deserving buds while also sweeping away the beautiful color pallet of the field, they worked in conflict.

When the song ended, he sprang up erraticly. "Join me?"

Vincenzo's sudden movement confused Riley out of her blissful, systematic realm of calm, but she took his hand anyway. He pulled her close, eliminating the need for personal space between the two of them and encouraging their possible conjoinment.

"Now you hold onto that. Hold onto that feeling of higher awareness and sense of being. I am going to take you somewhere else, do you trust me?" He peered into her eyes as if they were holding back tidal waves of secrecy and treasure he was all too curious to unleash.

"Not absolutely," she said, focused on his breathing. They were so close that she could see the big vein in his neck pulsing with excitement.

"Excellent." Vincenzo's mouth twitched up into a smile.

At the exact moment she began to question him with her now worrisome eyes, he whisked her through the front parlor and out the door. As the frigid air greeted them in a bitter hiss, Vincenzo turned to her one last time.

"How do you feel?" His smile turned into a bitten lip.

"Like a change in pressure."

"You know, I am never going to lie to you."

Riley whispered, "Nice."

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